External Moderation of Assessment Instruments Scott Porter, Examination Manager Liz Dixon, Examination Officer Assessment, Awards and Regulation
Policy Context "Moderation of assessment instruments (coursework briefs and examination questions) ensures that their form and content are appropriate and valid in terms of standards, assessment of learning outcomes, syllabus coverage, level of challenge, and fairness to students."
Process Awards, Assessment and Regulation (AAR) request assessment instruments from Module Leaders (MLs) MLs write assessment instruments, internally verify and send to AAR AAR check assessment instruments and inform the External Examiner (EE) that they are available for review EE reviews assessment instruments and provides feedback to AAR AAR informs ML of feedback (if required) ML responds to feedback and informs AAR Final documentation is stored on Sharepoint
Summary Module leaders will supply a full set of first sit and refer / defer assessment instruments A central repository will be established on Sharepoint, which will be accessible by AAR, module leaders, external examiners and student administrators. External examiners will be provided with access to the relevant modules for review and comment. Responses should be sent directly back to the AAR confirming that the assessment instruments are appropriate or proposing amendments. Timescales Submissions for HWB, SBS and D&S (not including agreed exceptions) were due in July D&S exceptions and ACES (not including agreed exceptions) are due on September 13 th 2013 Any submissions after this deadline will not be sent for external moderation The deadline for external examiner comments is two weeks after access has been granted to the modules
Contact Information Tel: Assessment, Awards, and Regulations Sheffield Hallam University Unit 6, Science Park City Campus Howard Street Sheffield S1 1WB