Consumer Protection Definition. 1 Current General Frameworks For CP. 2 Gaps/Risk areas in current Frameworks. 3 Consumer Protection Pillars. 4 NGN/Convergence and Consumer Protection. 5 Cyber Security. 6
Well designed regulations governing supplier behaviour Consumer access to information about rights and risks Ability to make well informed decisions based on comparable price and quality of service information. Access to effective complaints handling processes, including provision for awarding redress; and Protection of personal data/privacy Active monitoring and enforcement.
T T Consumer Education And Empowerment Appreciate power of consumers Adapt Internal ional Standards Training and capacity building Effective Laws Effective Regulations Balnce Regulaory imperfections Power of Numbers Consumer Education Role Stakeholder
Deployment of NGN provides new opportunities to increase consumer choice but raises new challenges for QoS and consumer protection The challenge for regulators is to:- Empower consumers by equipping them with the skills and information they need to get the best deal they can. Protect consumers against various kinds of harm e.g. fraud and identity theft, mis-use of personal information, etc.
Services: One platform for voice, data, video services and applications Networks: wire line, wireless, satellite, unlicensed - linked through IP delivering converges services anywhere anytime Devices: single device to access telephone, video streaming, broadcasts and internet access Firms: mergers and acquisitions and vertical integration to respond to consumers’ demands
High speed reliable network Promote & safeguard e-commerce Safeguard trust in the Internet Well informed consumers Clear, simple, Regulatory framework