By: Shakeric Fennell Ms. Sasser 1 st block American Studies/Adv. English 11
Birth of a poet Robert Lee Frost was born on March 26, When he was just a boy, he became a bobbin-boy in one of Lawrence’s mills. Started writing poetry at a young age. Loved to read and write and found his gift and took advantage of it.
Parents: William Frost (Father) and Isabelle Moodie(Maiden Name)/Frost (Mother). Robert Frost was the first and oldest of four other siblings. He was introduced to literature at a very early age. He was born on March 26, 1875 in San Francisco, California. He was named after General Robert E. Lee, one of America’s greatest generals in history.
Most of Robert Frost’s works were not of a happy setting and were more like sad and depressed. He published his first book full of poems while he was in England, between the years of 1912 and His first poem was called “My Butterfly”, and was sold to the New York Independent in Frost is also famous for works such as “Acquainted with the Night” and “Mending Wall”.
Frost was a poet, a short story writer, and also a teacher. He loved his career deeply and wanted to entertain others with his works. Frost cofounded the Bread Loaf School of English and helped to serve as a lecturer and consultant in 1920.
Accomplishments/Awards Throughout his career, Frost received many rewards that were considered high class. He was elected valedictorian and class poet in 1892 (his high school years). He was also inducted into Phi Beta Kappa because of his academic achievements and excellence. He received a master of arts awards from teaching at Amherst from He won a total of 4 Pulitzer Prizes during his lifetime for different contributions and works.
Originally, Frost thought about committing suicide because of how dull his fiancé's reaction was to his first sale which infuriated him. He went through pain and depression but later on overcame it after moving deep South for a few years. He officially died on January 29, 1963.