Kelburn Normal School EHSAS Presentation
What’s been achieved in 2008? What took place and who was responsible? ResultsHow funds assisted? Professional Development workshops for all staff on formative assessment linked with the KC’s. In particular we focussed on learning stories and dialogue. A planned visit to Central Normal School on 18 November to see what they are doing in terms of EHSAS Round 2 of the action research project. All three teachers in the Upper Middle and Senior syndicate as well as 1 teacher in the Lower Middle Syndicate. Staff have a cohesive vision as to what the 5 KC’s are and how they fit into their classroom programmes. Will spend time looking at formative assessment methods learning management systems. Three syndicates involved with small group intensive studies. Resources purchased on learning stories. Funds used to pay for relievers in three classes so staff can go to Palmerston. Seven teachers out of thirteen involved in taking small groups of students at least once a week for intensive lessons. Staff use their 0.1 release time and we use the funds to pay this back. Effective Teaching Practice
Kelburn Normal School EHSAS Presentation Understanding and Knowledge What took place and who was responsible? ResultsHow funds assisted? Frequent staff meetings on the curriculum and what this means for the staff at KNS. Feedback forms about discussion completed and students asked for their say on what they enjoy learning about tin the curriculum. Lots of discussion around in staff and senior leadership meetings around how to best implement the new curriculum. As a staff, we decided to wait for the appointment of our new principal before going any further on consulting the community and developing our school curriculum. As a staff we felt it was imperative that the principal had a lead in this role. Funds were not as pivotal to the specific objectives in this area.
Kelburn Normal School EHSAS Presentation Inquiry learning / Inter- disciplinary What took place and who was responsible? ResultsHow funds assisted? Inquiry learning course by Ross Todd for three key Library / Information literacy members of staff. Also the purchase of key resources to help with the implementation of this topic. Staff meetings planned for this term on implementing inquiry learning into classroom programmes effectively. Whole school unit on inquiry learning - adopting a community project. Purchased Knowledge Net as a LMS and have got staff and students on board using it. Staff who went on the course were invigorated and inspired to return to school and empower other staff with new knowledge. All staff will have access to resources to help support a shift in practice. Staff will be able to think critically about their planning and how to plan to get students to transform knowledge rather than transport it. Students and staff are all speaking the same language and students are working across syndicates on the same topic. Staff are starting to look at how to use Knowledge Net as a LMS – students are on board to encourage impetus. Allowed three key staff members to attend the guided inquiry course and purchase $500 worth of resources to support this in staff implementatio n. Allowed purchase and training in using a LMS
Kelburn Normal School EHSAS Presentation What do we need to do next?Who?WhenHow will we know when the action is completed successfully? Quality Assurance Devise a student engagement survey for the beginning and end of 2009 to help understand how students learn. KirstenWeek 5 Term One and 4 Survey has been completed by all year 3 to 8 students twice a year. Will become part of school-wide assessment schedule. Reflect on what engages students and what teachers can do to assist students to be engaged as learners? Senior Leadership Team All yearAction research and small group work trialled with groups of students across the school Teachers will have actively tried to engage all the learners in their classes. Provide more experiences across the curriculum that use an inquiry process and link to community. Kirsten to liaise with Syndicate leaders At least one whole school unit during year. At least one whole school community unit is completed as well as other syndicate units. Staff to liaise with Brian Waddell when planning units and he will assist with inquiry approach. Look at how students learn using the implementation of reflective learning journals. All staffThroughout the year. Students are successfully reflecting on how and what they are learning. This will become part of our reporting to parents. Revise the way we assess and report to parents – at present these two cycles are not in alignment and we need to address this in line with the revised curriculum. Feedback from all staff but Senior Leadership team to construct reporting guidelines. Throughout the year The reporting and assessment timeline is simplified and streamlined. Student goals are reported on in more depth and the KC’s are embedded in this process. Parent, student and staff survey to gauge satisfaction with new reporting format. Build capacity with LMS and use this as a resource for Syndicates. Kirsten to train a group of staff and students to implement. Term 1 and on-going LMS is used as a teaching and learning resource. Students have own log-ins and log on at home to show parents what they are learning. Staff and students will be moving towards using the LMS as a school-wide reporting tool on achievement. An Action Plan for 2009
Kelburn Normal School EHSAS Presentation Support for Implementation ActionApprox Cost Student engagement survey for the start of the year – consult with Rachel Dingle. $1000 Staff release provided to teach small groups of students - engagement $1500 Staff and student development using learning journals – purchase of resources. $1000 Revise reporting – use LMS to demonstrate student goals and progress. Use of MUSAC consultant to devise new report layout and extra knowledge net training. $2000