Do Now 1.List the way that you depend upon energy in your everyday life. 1.Where do these energy resources come from? 2.How are our public lands connected to these resources? 3.What do you think renewable energy is?
Announcements Test on Thursday 8 days till EOGs 22 days till we leave the 7 th grade!
Agenda Brainpop Notes on primary energy transfers Electrical Energy Alternate energy sources
Brainpop msofenergy/ msofenergy/ As you watch, think about the activity we started on Monday. – Do these definitions of energy line up with what we learned?
Primary energy transfers 1) thermally, when a warmer object is in contact with a cooler one 2) mechanically, when two objects push or pull on each other over a distance 3) electrically, when an electrical source such as a battery or generator is connected in a complete circuit to an electrical device 4) by electromagnetic waves.
Thermal examples In any energy transfer, heat will always be a byproduct. Convection: Up and down movements of gases and liquids as they are heated up and cooled down. Conduction: Heat transfer between objects that are touching. Think back to atmosphere and weather!
Mechanical examples Wind turbine: – Wind blows turbine, which spins a shaft in a generator, that creates energy.
Electromagnetic waves examples Think about the sun. The sun’s rays travel through our atmosphere and heat the Earth up. Do the ray directly touch Earth’s surface?
Electrical energy Electrical energy can be produced from a variety of energy sources and can be transformed into almost any other form of energy. Batteries store energy and transfer energy to components in a circuit. In the battery the energy comes from chemical reactions. – hnology/batteries/ hnology/batteries/
Electrical Energy Electricity is important because we can use it to make so many things work (electrical energy). – For example, think about a light bulb. – It converts electrical energy into radiant energy. The electrical energy generated by windmills, waterfalls and power plants is actually a secondary source of energy. To produce electricity, a heat source is needed to create the conditions in which electrical currents form. In effect, the primary source of electrical energy is the heat generated by burning fossil fuels, water power and wind power.
Circuits – hnology/electriccircuits/ hnology/electriccircuits/
Alternative energy sources What’s renewable energy? What’s non-renewable energy?
Renewable energy sources The six most common renewable energy sources are hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, biomass, tidal, and solar.
Recent energy problems We’re going to begin by reading an article about the great American energy debate. As you read, make sure that you are paying attention to the questions. – These are EOG based questions!
The Great Energy Debate Write a letter to congress suggesting ways to fix these problems.