SIL TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY John Holt School Improvement Officer SEND/Inclusive Learning
WHAT SIL DO? We are a leading education service provider in the North West; dedicated to delivering outstanding support and challenge to schools and other settings to enable every child and young person to develop, learn, achieve and excel. We have a strong track record of improvement and supporting senior leaders to plan and lead change. School Improvement Liverpool employs a trusted high quality workforce with proven track records of excellence and credibility, delivering highly recommended consultancy, training and professional development. Organise and facilitate a vast variety of services and support programmes for schools, academies and other educational settings, in and outside of Liverpool. We work collaboratively with schools and external agencies to narrow and close gaps in performance and maximising the potential of each and every child and young person.
Your setting and role within it…..
THE TEAM The SEND/Inclusive Learning Team is made up of 3 Officers (1 Full and 2 Part-time) All the officers are experienced SENCOs from across all key stages The team works across cross-phrase and closely with the LA to support and advice Contact;
Discuss SEND Training opportunities you or your setting has had in the last 2 years and what you feel you need? Discuss SEND Training opportunities you or your setting has had in the last 2 years and what you feel you need?
TRAINING A wide range of CPD and training has been developed in response to the introduction of the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years. As experienced SENCOs we have developed training that suits and gives you practical strategies to impact on the progress and attainment. See Ednet ( for all the SEND/Inclusive Learning training available for the academic year Or the booklet provided today Please note all training can be developed as INSET and can take place in your setting at a time that suits you. Contact the team for more details
CONSULTANCY OPPORTUNITIES SEN/Inclusive Learning Service The service includes 2 SEND Briefing a year – a one day briefing that covers key local and national messages, information sharing, SEND CPD and empowerment of staff that attend to effectively lead and manage SEND. and Telephone – advice and guidance with the SEND/Inclusive Learning Team In setting support – Officers can support settings with reviewing and evaluating practice New to the role ….. This free one day course gives you an overview and understanding of the local ways of working with Children/young people with SEND
A WIDE RANGE SERVICES Not only do we have the SEND/Inclusive Learning Team we also support Teaching and Learning Leadership and Management Behaviour and Safety School Management For more information contact or
SEND CONFERENCE On the 30 th June at the Partnership for Learning Conference Centre we are holding our first ever SEND Conference. Key note speakers include; Brian Lamb OBE Anita Devi Drew Crawshaw HMI Plus workshops, delivered by ‘Outstanding’ Liverpool Schools. Please see the leaflet for more information and details of how to book.