TAS at IP5 Present situation and plans François BUTIN TS/LEA
TAS geometry and environment TAS at IP5 are identical to IP1: copper alloy cylinder with inner vaccum chamber 2130 mm long, 500 mm OD, 34 mm ID, mass 3,2 tons. TAS is supported from the FIN steel shielding (60 t) at the interface UX55 / RB The FIN is supported from the « blockhaus », steel frame filled with concrete and welded to the cavern wall.
Assembly steps TAS were assembled in surface in the FIN Lowered inside FIN on wooden cradles, then translated along beam axis by 30 cm Covered with 7t steel plug Support rods and jacks installed Lifted from plug Cradles removed Vacuum plug is added (2t) FIN + TAS + plugs lowered as 1 object into UX55 cavern
Present situation Both TAS are in place, roughly aligned on the beam line on IP6 side, and precisely aligned on IP4 side ( mm in height, mm in lateral) Final alignment will be redone before beam injection The VAX are connected on both sides The beam pipe IP side is connected on IP6 side only.
Plans for the future A strategy to remove the TAS was not worked out in detail To reverse the assembly procedure does not look adequate: would need too much manual intervention Another scenario needs to be defined
Possible removal scenario Remove the vacuum plug (underground crane): access from the top Lift the TAS plug + TAS as a single object (underground crane): avoids intervention on the TAS itself Put in a container in the UX55 cavern and bring the whole to the surface. Dismount TAS from plug Replace by a new TAS and re-use plug.
Plans for the future Impact and level of activation need to be integrated in the removal procedure Possible use of remote handling for some bolting operations on IP side Changes of TAS and plugs are fairly easy and short operations. Changes in FIN are possible. Accessible with crane. Changes in rotating shielding and « blockhaus » can also be considered if really needed, even if more complex