The Vanuatu Tourism Awards for Excellence is the national tourism awards program for Vanuatu. The objective of the program is to improve standards and professionalism, whilst encouraging the continual development of the tourism sector. By recognizing excellence and celebrating the success of operators who are delivering an outstanding service to tourists, the Awards aim to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing within the industry to help build the Vanuatu brand and enhance the visitor experience. The ultimate goal of the Awards is to attract more tourists to create greater economic opportunity in Vanuatu and build a sustainable future for the industry.
PARTNERSHIPS APPROACH VTO Secretariat DoT IVS Tourism Ambassador Program Private Sector: Vanuatu Hotels and Resorts Association Vanuatu Tour Operators Association Vanuatu Chefs and Food Handlers Association Tourism Education Providers: TVET and APTC IFC, World Bank Group Sponsors OBJECTIVE AND TRANSPARENT PROCESS Refined and focused award categories to compare like for like Criteria based on best practice – research into awards programs in Australia, Pacific and Asia tailored to Vanuatu Involvement of 4 international judges to ensure objectivity Involvement of 4 local judges to ensure understanding of local context International Visitor Survey incorporated INCLUSIVE PROCESS No nomination needed Support program – entrants workshop Outer island awareness raising of awards Island Accom and Traditional/Kastom categories free entry 3 finalists per category Awards Ceremony separate event to gala dinner to encourage inclusiveness Particular focus on engaging the broader community in 2015 BRINGING VALUE TO PARTICIPANTS Submission is an exercise in itself to prompt reflection on business performance and forward strategy Feedback report to all entrants to provide feedback and ideas on how to improve Best practice stories will be captured from finalists and shared with participants Data from International Visitor Survey to provide additional feedback to operators
FEEDBACK FROM 2014 Process was a success! Applicants were (95%!) happy that the judging had consistency and integrity Finalists were happy to have received judging site visits and post-Awards feedback Winners were happy with post-Awards feedback and recent visit from Grand Judge Finalists found Judges’ recommendations useful Many of our 2014 Sponsors are on board again for 2015 Could be more collateral materials for Winners and Finalists to use Event was a success! Splitting Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner gave opportunity for finalists to include more of their family, friends and staff in the event Awards had significance for winners and their staff Those businesses who remained operational post-Cyclone Pam felt the Award added value to their promotions and marketing Many of our 2014 Sponsors are on board again for 2015 Cyclone Pam ‘Never such a high and such a low only 7 days apart…’ 2014 Winners have not been able to capitalise on their win 2014 Applicants and Industry surveyed – want 2015 Awards
And the 2014 winners were…..
WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR Changes to some of the categories Reflects feedback from participants from 2014 Awards Ensures competition is truly between peers To encourage participation from small and Outer Island businesses Pending Committee discussion tomorrow! Increase to 8 judges To reflect likely/hoped increase in number of entries To ensure all entrants receive detailed consideration Maintaining balance of local and international judges (4 and 4) Retaining same judges from last year for consistency Website development and use Development of tools to support the application process (for applicants) Development of tools to streamline administrative process (behind the scenes) Ensure all online functions for applicants have offline equivalents Integration with International Visitors Survey and Accreditation Considering ways to incorporate IVS in applications and judging Timelines to allow incorporation of Accreditation process
Tuesday 1 st December Entry forms and information released Early December Entrant workshops in Port Vila and Santo November - January DoT and TVET support in Outer Islands to raise awareness and help with applications Friday 1 st January Entry Period opens Monday, January 31 st Jan Entry period closes February - March Judging submissions by panel of judges Early March 3 Finalists in each category chosen March / April Judges site visits and panel decides Winner Sat, April 16th Public Awards Event Ceremony followed by Gala Dinner TIMELINE FOR 2015/2016
Tankiyu tumas!