Research Topic Student Debt
Inquiry Process 1) Focus 2) Explore 3) Anaylze 4) Share
Research – Databases vs. Google
Google You will find a lot of information Questionable Authority Difficult to focus search May take a long time to find quality research
Databases Professionally Published Information Identifiable authority Peer Reviewed Easy search parameters Quick Access to Quality Information Available as part of our virtual “Learning Commons” which means it is available 24/7 from anywhere.
Google Authority Implications Google: Good for quickly finding non-controversial, personal interest sites. For example a movie homepage. Google: Not useful for finding factual, academic information scholarly or controversial topics. For example Rites of passage or Greece Economic Crisis. A bias influence towards “page spammers” and sites that generate revenue for Google.
Topic- Delaying Marriage When I search on Google the above topic…. 442,000 (results) Lots of sponsored links ($$$) Google News Some websites are useful, some poor/biased/outdated sources You will loss a lot of time assessing page content to assure quality information!
On-Line Databases Time Saver Recommended Sites: 1. EBSCO Host (Canadian Reference Centre) – large database, international focus 2. JSTOR – Access to academic journals, books. Also many different subject areas. 3. Google scholar – academic journals
EBSCO HOST Select – Canadian Reference Centre Topic – Student Debt Let us explore
JSTOR The link for JSTOR is located on our school website, on the library page, under e-resources, databases. Or you can go directly to e-resources, databases. The link on our school library website allows all students and teachers to access the database from anywhere in our school location. Remote access has also been set-up for JSTOR but you must follow the instructions below- Instructions for Users using remote access – To access JSTOR remotely, follow this access token registration link: To be able to use the database from home you must set-up an account.
JSTOR continued Subsequent access, users may go directly to and select "Login" at the top of the page to enter JSTOR with their username and password. They may access JSTOR via this account from any location. Note that each user must register their own MyJSTOR account through the access token registration link to access full-text content on JSTOR.
Google Scholar What is good and not so good about this site? The Good Academic Articles, peer reviewed, many great tools (e.g. pdf articles, to self, share, similar topics etc.) The Bad NOT ALL ARTICLES ARE FREE.
APA Example of how to reference a journal using APA – References Wright, L., Walters, D., & Zarifa, D. (2013). Government Student Loan Default: Differences between Graduates of the Liberal Arts and Applied Fields in Canadian Colleges and Universities. Canadian Review Of Sociology, 50(1),