Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov’s Experiment Originally interested in physiology – Studying effect saliva had on digestion Noticed dogs began to salivate upon seeing experimenter (even without food)
Pavlov’s Experiment cont.
Stimulus Anything that causes some kind of reaction. Response Any action that comes from a stimulus. Example: Ice cube offered (S) Dog comes running (R)
Unconditioned Response to stimulus is natural and automatic. Initial Stage: Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response Example: Ice cube offered (US) Dog comes running (UR)
Neutral Stimulus Stimulus that has no effect to illicit a response Specific conditions are necessary – An association must be formed Sound of Ice Machine (NS) Ice Cube offered (US) Dog comes running (UR)
Conditioned Stimulus An association is made between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned response Not a firm tie yet; acts as a hint Sound of Ice Machine (CS) Ice Cube offered (US) Dog comes running (UR)
Conditioned Response Conditioned stimulus now causes a response on its own Same response, but now in reaction to conditioned stimulus Sound of Ice Machine (CS) Dog comes running (CR)
Classical Conditioning in Action
Dog Training
Emotional Conditioning John Watson In charge of lab rats – Got them to do amazing things – Realized it was only through conditioning Suggested that deep emotions in humans are just learned experiences
Little Albert 11 month old Albert Watson gave him a white rat to play with Made a loud sound to startle Albert and make him cry Albert soon was scared of the white rat
Identifying the Pieces Unconditioned Stimulus: – Loud noise Unconditioned Response: – Fear of loud noise Neutral Stimulus: – Rat Conditioned Stimulus: – Rat Conditioned Stimulus: – Fear of rat
Extension Stimulus Generalization: response spreads from one specific stimulus to other similar ones – Albert became afraid of white bunnies and other things that resembled the rat. Extinction: association created through conditioning disappears – When my dogs don’t go on walks for a while, they forget to sit before crossing the street Spontaneous Recovery: sudden reappearance of an extinguished response