Periodic Table Objectives Periodic Table Objectives Objectives: I can predict chemical reactivity for an element based on its number of valence electrons and location on periodic table. I can predict the charge for an element (ion) to reach maximum stability. I can distinguish between metallic and non-metallic properties. I can understand how the periodic table was organized by Mendeleev and Moseley. I can graph and interpret periodic trends. I can illustrate valence electrons using Lewis Dot structures.
Chemistry 1/8/14 Chemistry 1/8/14 Objectives: Review Classroom Expectations Analyze first semester grades. Review Chemical Stability Concepts Chemistry Midterm make-ups addressed ASAP Homework: Classroom Expectation Hand-out signed/returned. Complete Chemical Stability Worksheet
ICP: /8/13 ICP: /8/13 Objectives: Review Classroom Expectations Analyze first semester grades. Motion on Graph Worksheet Chemistry Midterm make-ups addressed ASAP Homework: Student/Parent sign Classroom Expecation Hand-out Complete Motion on Graph Worksheet
Chemistry 1/10/14 Chemistry 1/10/14 Objectives: Analyze first semester grades. Review Periodic Trends Graphs Review Chemical Stability Concepts Homework: Classroom Expectation Hand-out signed/returned. Complete Chemical Stability Worksheet
Analyze First Semester Grades Address reasons for scores. Address your graphs
Periodic Properties and Trends Periodic Properties and Trends Atomic Radius: - Size of an atom. -The distance from the nucleus to the outermost energy level in picometers, pm. (1pm = 1x m) Ionization Energy: - The amount of energy needed to remove a valence electron from an atom. -The amount of energy needed to overcome the attractive force the ve- has with protons in the nucleus. -Energy required for an atom to become a cation, more stable. Electronegativity: - The degree of attraction one atom’s protons has toward another atom’s ve-. -Determines the type of bond between the atoms, ionic or covalent.
Chemistry 1/13/14 Chemistry 1/13/14 Due: Chemical Stability Cross Word Puzzle Classroom Expectation Hand-Out signed. Objectives: Review Chemical Stability Concepts Review Periodic Trends Graphs Homework: Periodic Table Worksheet
Chemical Stability Worksheet
Periodic Trends: Atomic Radius Across a Period Decreases Down a Group Increases
Periodic Table : Atomic Radius
Periodic Trends: Ionization Energy Periodic Trends: Ionization Energy Across a Period: Increases Down a Group: Decreases
Periodic Trend: Electronegativity Across a Period: Increases except noble gases. Down a Group: Decreases except for noble gases.
Electronegativity and Chemical Bonding Do metals or non-metals have a greater electronegativity value?
Periodic Trends Analysis To determine why your term(atomic radius, ionization energy, or electronegativity) exhibits this trend across a period and down a group. Think about the definition of your term and how it is affected across a period and down a group.
Periodic Table Objectives Periodic Table Objectives Objectives: I can predict chemical reactivity for an element based on its number of valence electrons and location on periodic table. I can predict the charge for an element (ion) to reach maximum stability. I can distinguish between metallic and non-metallic properties. I can understand how the periodic table was organized by Mendeleev and Moseley. I can graph and interpret periodic trends. I can predict the size of an atom when it gains or loses valence electrons. I can illustrate valence electrons using Lewis Dot structures. Unit Exam is next Wednesday!
Chemistry 12.2 : Electron Configuration Chemistry 12.2 : Electron Configuration Infinite Campus Update: Nuclear Chemistry/Electron Configuration Study Guide- Gallery Walk Questions (17pts.) Nuclear Chemistry and Electron Configuration Exam(40pts.) Objectives: Review Nuclear Chemistry and Electron Configuration I can identify valence electrons using electron configurations. Homework: Review Worksheet for make-up exam- Due Wednesday.
Chemistry 12.2 : Electron Configuration Chemistry 12.2 : Electron Configuration Due: Nuclear Chemistry/Electron Configuration Study Guide- Gallery Walk Questions (17pts.) Infinite Campus Update: Nuclear Chemistry and Electron Configuration Exam(40pts.) Objectives: Review Nuclear Chemistry and Electron Configuration I can identify valence electrons using electron configurations. Homework: Review Worksheet for make-up exam- Due Wednesday.
Make-up Exam-Wednesday Make-up Exam-Wednesday Could earn ½ point back for missed questions on initial exam. Additional problems addressing electron configuration. (5pts.) Additional problems addressing radioactive decay graph and nuclear equations (alpha/beta). (5pts.) Review notes, quizzes, and study guide. Power Points (nuclear chemistry/electron configuration on my web-page). Study Guide Key on my web-page.
Periodic Table: Electron Configuration Periodic Table: Electron Configuration
Chemistry 12.3 : Electron Configuration Chemistry 12.3 : Electron Configuration Objectives: I can identify valence electrons using electron configurations. Homework: Electron Configuration Review sheet-due Wed. Study for make-up exam-Wed. Complete Short-Hand Configuration Worksheet
Chem I: Bell Ringer Chem I: Bell Ringer 1. Write the electron configuration for the neutral element, Nb (Niobium) using all four quantum numbers. 2. According to Hund’s Rule, how many unpaired electrons does Nb have? 3. According to the Pauli Exclusion Principle how many electrons can occupy a p-orbital at any time? a d-orbital at any time? 4. How many electrons are on the highest energy level for Nb? Bonus: What do chemist call electrons that occupy the highest energy level?
Periodic Table: Electron Configuration Periodic Table: Electron Configuration
Valence Electrons: Electrons on the highest energy level of an atom. Determines chemical stability of an atom.
Periodic Table: Short-Hand Configuration Periodic Table: Short-Hand Configuration Nb: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 4p 6 5s 2 4d 3 Short-Hand Configuration: [Kr]5s 2 4d 3 = 2ve-
Periodic Table: Short-Hand Configuration Periodic Table: Short-Hand Configuration Si: Cu:
Chemistry 12.3 : Electron Configuration Chemistry 12.3 : Electron Configuration Homework: Electron Configuration Review sheet-due Wed. Study for make-up exam-Wed. Complete Short-Hand Configuration Worksheet
Chemistry 12.4 : Electron Configuration Chemistry 12.4 : Electron Configuration Due: Electron Configuration Review sheet –place in tray Short-Hand Configuration Worksheet-keep Objectives: Make-up Exam(Nuclear/Electron Configuration) I can identify valence electrons using electron configurations. I can establish periodic table trends between valence electrons and chemical stability of an atom. Homework: Complete Short-Hand Configuration Worksheet
Chemistry 12.5 : Electron Configuration Chemistry 12.5 : Electron Configuration Due: Electron Configuration Review sheet –LATE Short-Hand Configuration Worksheet-analyze today Objectives: I can identify valence electrons using electron configurations. I can establish periodic table trends between valence electrons and chemical stability of an atom. Homework: Periodic Table Worksheet
Periodic Table: Organization of Elements Periodic Table: Organization of Elements Color code metals, non-metals, and metalloids. Groups: Represent columns on periodic table. Periods: Represent rows on the periodic table.
Periodic Table : Period vs. Group 1. a. What period and group is Aluminum on? b. What element is in period 4; group 2 ?
Periodic Table Lab: Valence Electrons Periodic Table Lab: Valence Electrons Lab grps grp 1 ve- grp 2 ve- grp 3-12 ve- grp 13 ve- grp 14 ve- grp 15 ve- grp 16 ve- grp17 ve- grp18 ve- A B C D What can be concluded from the data table?
ICP 12.5 : Electron Configuration ICP 12.5 : Electron Configuration Due: Periodic Table Worksheet Objectives: I can identify valence electrons using electron configuration I can establish periodic table trends between valence electrons and chemical stability of an atom. Homework: Periodic Table Worksheet Periodic Table Quiz
Bell Ringer: Periodic Table 1. Classify each element as a metal, non-metal, or metalloid. a. As, b. Ar c. Mg 2. a. What element is on period 5, group 17? b. What period and group is Iodine on? 3. How many valence electrons does P have? 3. a. Which group has the most valence electrons? b. Do you predict that group is more stable or less stable than the other groups on the table?
Chemistry 12.9 : Periodic Table Trends Chemistry 12.9 : Periodic Table Trends Infinite Campus: Electron Configuration Review Sheet (12pts.) Make-up Exam (52pts.) Gallery Walk Study Guide(17pts.) Objectives: I can predict chemical reactivity for an element based on its number of valence electrons and location on periodic table. I can predict the charge for an element to reach stability. Homework: Periodic Table Worksheet Check Infinite Campus for missing assignments/assessments
Bell Ringer: Periodic Table 1. Classify each element as a metal, non-metal, or metalloid. a. As b. Ar c. Mg 2. a. What element is on period 4, group 12? b. What period and group is Iodine on? 3. Why do elements in the same group have similar chemical properties? 3. How many valence electrons does P have? 4. a. Which group has the most valence electrons? b. Do you predict that group is more stable or less stable than the other groups on the table? Explain.
Valence Electron Lab Valence Electron Lab Lab grps grp 1 ve- grp 2 ve- grp 3-12 ve- grp 13 ve- grp 14 ve- grp 15 ve- grp 16 ve- grp17 ve- grp18 ve- A B C D What can be concluded from the data table? Elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons. (exception: He has 2 ve-) Transitional elements all have 2ve- As go across a period valence electrons increase by one. (exception: Transitional elements.)
Common Periodic Table Groups Common Periodic Table Groups Periodic GroupsGroup #Valence Electrons Chemical Reactivity (Yes or No) Alkali Metals 1 1ve-Yes, chemically reactive because they only has 1 ve-. Most reactive metallic group. Alkaline-Earth Metals 2 2ve- Yes, chemically reactive because they only have 2 ve-. Transitional Metals ve- Yes, chemically reactive because they only have 2 ve-. Halogens 17 7ve-Yes, chemically reactive because they only have 7ve-. Most reactive non-metallic group. Noble Gases (Inert Gases) 18 8ve-No, not chemically reactive because they have the maximum number of ve-. Most noble elements = 8 ve. Exception: He = 2ve. Most stable elements.
Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Due: Periodic Table Worksheet Objectives: I can predict chemical reactivity for an element based on its number of valence electrons and location on periodic table. I can predict the charge for an element to reach stability. Homework: Check Infinite Campus for missing assignments/assessments
Periodic Table Worksheet Check-up 1. Give an example of an element from the following groups: Noble Gases, Transitional, Alkali, Halogens, Alkaline 2. Circle the elements that are representative elements: Al, Fe, Br, Ag Explain how you know this. 3. Circle the elements below that have similar chemical properties: Explain how you know this. Carbon (C), Nitrogen, (N), Silicon (Si), Boron (B) 4. What is the name of the group of elements that are naturally stable?
Periodic Table and Groups Periodic Table and Groups Transitional Groups: Short groups. Representative Groups: Tall groups
Chemical Stability Chemical Stability Octet Rule: Atoms will gain, lose, or share valence electrons to reach maximum stability. What is maximum stability for most atoms? 8 valence electrons (ve-) Exceptions: H and He max. stability = 2 ve- How do atoms achieve stability ? Atoms chemically bonding with other atoms. Formation of diverse compounds in nature.
Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Due: Metallic vs. Non-Metallic Properties Venn Diagram Objectives: I can predict chemical reactivity for an element based on its number of valence electrons and location on periodic table. I can predict the charge for an element to reach stability. I can distinguish between metallic and non-metallic properties. Homework: Check Infinite Campus for missing assignments/assessments
Chemical Stability: Octet Rule Chemical Stability: Octet Rule 1. Will metals tend to gain or lose valence electrons to reach maximum stability? Will non-metals tend to gain or lose valence electrons to reach maximum stability?
Chemical Stability: Octet Rule Chemical Stability: Octet Rule Metals will lose ve- to reach stability. Form a cation (+ charged) Non-metals will gain ve- to reach stability. Form an anion (- charged)
Chemical Stability Chemical Stability Each of the elements below are neutral. Determine if chemically stable by identifying what group it is in. (# of valence electrons) If not stable, predict what charge it must have to reach stability. a. Sodium b. Oxygen c. Argon d. Phosphorus e. Chromium
Chemical Stability-Key Chemical Stability-Key Determine what type of charge each element below would form to reach maximum stability. a. Sodium Na 1+ b. Oxygen O 2- c. Argon Ar d. Phosphorus p 3- e. Chromium Cr 2+
Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Infinite Campus Update: Periodic Table Bell Ringer Quiz (5pts.) Valence Electron Lab Wksht. (15pts.) Electron Configuration Review Sheet-some are missing! Due: Periodic Table Worksheet-qts Objectives: I can predict chemical reactivity for an element based on its number of valence electrons and location on periodic table. I can predict the charge for an element to reach stability. I can distinguish between metallic and non-metallic properties.
Chemistry : Periodic Table Chemistry : Periodic Table Objectives: Chemical Stability Quiz I can distinguish between metallic and non-metallic properties. I can understand how the periodic table was organized by Mendeleev and Moseley. Homework: Work on Midterm Study Guide Organize unit exams/quizzes/notes so easier to study.
Metallic vs. Non-metallic Properties Metallic vs. Non-metallic Properties
Metals, Non-metals, Metalloids Metals, Non-metals, Metalloids Metalloids: Exhibits metallic and non-metallic properties Depends upon what it is bonding with. Most touch the staircase
12.16 : Periodic Table Trends Chemistry : : Periodic Table Trends Infinite Campus Update: Chemical Stability Quiz (11 pts.) Objectives: I can understand how the periodic table was organized by Mendeleev and Moseley. Review for Midterm Study Guide Homework: Work on Midterm Study Guide Study Session Wednesday afternoon until 4ish. Midterm Thursday afternoon.
Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Chemistry : Periodic Table Trends Objectives: Review for Midterm Study Guide Homework: Work on Midterm Study Guide Study Session Wed. and Thurs. afternoon until 4ish. Midterm is on Thursday
History of the Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev: Russian chemist and teacher When organized elements into groups by similar chemical properties, he observed the periods increasing in atomic mass. (1869) His organization system was successful at predicting undiscovered elements. Do you observe any inconsistencies with his organization system?
History of Periodic Table Henry Moseley: British Physicists Tweaked Mendeleev’s periodic table. When elements were placed in groups by chemical properties, the periods consistently increased by atomic number. (1913) Current organization of elements on the periodic table.
Bell Ringer: Atomic Stability Bell Ringer: Atomic Stability 1. What is stability for an atom? 2. Why do many atoms prefer to be ions? 3. Identify each of the following atoms as a neutral, anion, or cation. a. strontium has 36 electrons b. bromine has 36 electrons 4. Predict, if any, what type of ion each atom below would become to reach stability. a. Fe b. Rn c. I
Periodic Table Trends Periodic Table Trends 1. Define each term below related to an atom. 2. Graph data to determine the trend for each term below for an atom. Atomic Radius Ionization Energy Electronegativity
Chemistry 1/8/14 Chemistry 1/8/14 Objectives: Review Classroom Expectations Analyze first semester grades. Review Chemical Stability Concepts Chemistry Midterm make-ups addressed ASAP Homework: Classroom Expectation Hand-out signed/returned. Complete Chemical Stability Worksheet
Analyze First Semester Grades Address reasons for scores. Address your graphs
Chemistry 1/10/14 Chemistry 1/10/14 Objectives: Analyze first semester grades. Review Periodic Trends Graphs Review Chemical Stability Concepts Homework: Classroom Expectation Hand-out signed/returned. Complete Chemical Stability Worksheet
Periodic Properties and Trends Periodic Properties and Trends Atomic Radius: - Size of an atom. -The distance from the nucleus to the outermost energy level in picometers, pm. (1pm = 1x m) Ionization Energy: - The amount of energy needed to remove a valence electron from an atom. -The amount of energy needed to overcome the attractive force the ve- has with protons in the nucleus. -Energy required for an atom to become a cation, more stable. Electronegativity: - The degree of attraction one atom’s protons has toward another atom’s ve-. -Determines the type of bond between the atoms, ionic or covalent.
Chemistry 1/13/14 Chemistry 1/13/14 Due: Chemical Stability Cross Word Puzzle Classroom Expectation Hand-Out signed. Objectives: Review Chemical Stability Concepts Review Periodic Trends Graphs Homework: Periodic Table Worksheet
Periodic Trends: Atomic Radius Across a Period Decreases Down a Group Increases
Periodic Table : Atomic Radius
Periodic Trends: Ionization Energy Periodic Trends: Ionization Energy Across a Period: Increases Down a Group: Decreases
Periodic Trend: Electronegativity Across a Period: Increases except noble gases. Down a Group: Decreases except for noble gases.
Electronegativity and Chemical Bonding Do metals or non-metals have a greater electronegativity value?
Periodic Trends Analysis To determine why your term(atomic radius, ionization energy, or electronegativity) exhibits this trend across a period and down a group. Think about the definition of your term and how it is affected across a period and down a group.
Chemistry 1/14/14 Chemistry 1/14/14 Infinite Campus Update: Analysis of First Semester (16pts.) Chemical Stability Review-Crossword Puzzle (10pts.) Objectives: I can interpret Periodic Trend Graphs. I can predict the charge an element will have for chemical stability. I can predict the size of an ion. Homework: Review notes, quiz coming up.
Bell Ringer: Chemistry 1. Predict the charge each element will have to reach chemical stability. a. Al b. Br c. Ne 2. a. Which element above is classified as an anion when it is stable. Explain. b. Which element above is classifed as a cation when it is stable. Explain 3. Why does your periodic term observe the trends we discovered on Friday?
Exit Slip Exit Slip 1. Use your atomic radius graph to rank the following elements in increasing atomic radius. Cl, Mg, Al, Na 2. Use your ionization energy graph to rank the following elements in decreasing ionization energy. Ba, Mg, Ca, Be
Chemistry 1/15/14 Chemistry 1/15/14 Objectives: I can interpret Periodic Trend Graphs. I can predict the charge an element will have for chemical stability. I can predict the size of an ion. Homework: Review notes; periodic trend worksheet, quiz tomorrow.
Chemistry 1/16/14 Chemistry 1/16/14 Due: Periodic Table Enrichment/Chemical Stability wksht. from gallery walk. Objectives: Quiz over Periodic Trends and Chemical Stability I can predict the size of an ion. I can illustrate ve- using Lewis Dot Structures. I can interpret Periodic Trend Graphs. I can predict the charge an element will have for chemical stability. Homework: Lewis Dot Structure Worksheet
Size of an Ion Size of an Ion Use the diagrams below to determine what happens to the size of a neutral atom(parent atom) when it becomes an ion.
Size of a Cation Size of a Cation Why is the cation smaller than its parent atom (neutral)?
Size of a Cation Size of a Cation A cation is smaller than its parent atom. Why? Because metals will lose an energy level in the process of becoming a cation.
Size of an Anion Size of an Anion Why is an anion larger than its parent atom?
Size of an Anion Size of an Anion A anion is larger than its parent isotope. Why? Repulsion force increases as more electrons are added to the outer most energy level. Swells the energy level.
Size of Ions Size of Ions 1. Circle the atom that is larger in size. a. Ca or Ca 2+ b. S or S Circle the atom that is smaller in size. a. Al or Al 3+ b. N or N 3-
Chemical Stability Review Chemical Stability Review Octet Rule: Atoms will gain, lose, or share valence electrons to reach stability. The need for stability produces compounds (ionic and covalent)
Chemical Stability Review Chemical Stability Review 1. Determine what charge, if any, each element below would need to be chemically stable. a. Se b. K c. O d. Kr e. Fe 2. Circle the elements below that has the correct charge for chemical stability. a. N 5- b. Ca 2+ c. Cu 2- d. Cl 1- e. Xe 8+
Octet Rule Revised: Octet Rule Revised: Atoms will gain, lose, or share valence electrons to reach stability. The need for stability produces compounds (ionic and covalent)
Chemistry 1/24/14 Chemistry 1/24/14 Due: Lewis Dot Structures Worksheet Objectives: Review Periodic Table and Chemical Stability Concepts Address Chemical Stability Quiz Use Lewis Dot Structures to illustrate Ionic Bonding Homework: Periodic Table Study Guide-Test Wednesday! (Chpt. 6) Lewis Dot structures for ionic bonding.
Chemical Stability-Study Guide Chemical Stability-Study Guide 13. Reviewed chemical stability table from study guide
Periodic Trends: Review Ionization Energy:increase Atomic Radius: decreases *Electronegativity: increase *Electronegativity: decreaseIonization Energy: decreaseAtomic Radius: increases
Lewis Dot Structures Lewis Dot Structures Purpose: To illustrate valence electrons
Periodic Table Study Guide Periodic Table Study Guide *Review notes, quizzes, labs, etc. *Chpt. 6 in Chemistry Textbook