Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today CHAPTER The Reproductive System and Related Care 24.


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Presentation transcript:

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today CHAPTER The Reproductive System and Related Care 24

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System Reproductive system: –Group of body organs that makes possible creation of human life. Male and female each have essential role in the process of reproduction.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System Female reproductive system –Ovaries –Ova/ovum –Estrogen –Vagina/vaginal canal

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Figure 24-1 Female reproductive organs.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System Reproductive process begins with ovulation. Fertilization can occur during ovulation. –Ovum unites with sperm cell released from male during intercourse.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Figure 24-2 Fertilization and cell division.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System Giving birth –Uterus begins gradual to strong contractions, pushing fetus through and out of vagina. –Baby is born. –Umbilical cord tied and cut. –Delivery of placenta.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System Menstruation: –Periodic (monthly) loss of some blood and small part of lining of uterus when woman is not pregnant. Menopause: –Time during which menstruation stops (age after 40).

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System Male reproductive system –Testes (testicles):  Produce sperm –Penis:  Primary male sex organ –Testosterone:  Primary male sex hormone

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System Male has orgasm; semen is ejaculated. Takes only one sperm to join with ovum for pregnancy to occur.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Sexuality Sexuality: –How people experience and express themselves as sexual beings.  Biological  Physical  Emotional Contrasts ways men and women learn to behave.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System and the Normal Aging Process Aging of the female reproductive system –Menopause (between age 45 and 55) –Lose elasticity of vaginal tissues –Less vaginal secretion –Loss of calcium in bones –Pelvic muscles that support bladder becomes weakened

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French The Reproductive System and the Normal Aging Process Aging of the male reproductive system –Enlargement of prostate gland; benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)  Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP): surgical procedure to remove prostate gland –Erectile dysfunction –Impotence

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Common Diseases and Disorders of the Reproductive System Female reproductive system –Dysmenorrhea –Amenorrhea –Menorrhagia –Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) –Vaginitis –Cystocele

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Common Diseases and Disorders of the Reproductive System Female reproductive system (cont’d) –Rectocele –Cancer of the uterus –Fibroids –Tumors of the breast

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Common Diseases and Disorders of the Reproductive System Male reproductive system –Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) –Cancer of prostate gland –Prostatitis –Hydrocele –Impotence –Varicocele –Tumors of testicle –Tumors of breast

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Common Diseases and Disorders of the Reproductive System Sexually transmitted diseases –Chlamydia –Gonorrhea –AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) –Syphilis –Genital herpes simplex (HSV) –Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (genital warts)

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Care of the Gynecological Patient Gynecological (GYN) patient: –Female receiving care of reproductive system and/or breasts. Pelvic examination: –Assessing condition of female reproductive organs. –See Procedure 24-1: Preparing a Patient for a Pelvic Exam

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Figure 24-6 Assemble equipment for the pelvic exam.

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Postdelivery Care of Mothers Vaginal delivery postpartum care –Lochia –Ambulation –Exhaustion –Pain and discomfort –Edema and tenderness –Perineal care  See Procedure 24-2: Postpartum Perineal Care

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Postdelivery Care of Mothers Cesarean section –Surgical procedure where baby delivered through incision in abdomen. –Reasons for C-section  Emergencies  Size  Presentation of baby  Planned

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Postdelivery Care of Mothers Signs and symptoms of postpartum complications –Elevated temperature –Pain –Swelling or bleeding –Foul-smelling drainage –Passage of large blood clots

Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French Postdelivery Care of Mothers Signs and symptoms of postpartum complications (cont’d) –Breast pain or swelling –Burning when passing urine –Signs of depression or feelings of sadness without apparent reasons