Introduction to Mime Tableaux Mime
Learning Intentions By the end of this lesson you will : Know what tableau mime is. Have worked in groups to create a tableau mime.
Tableaux Mime Tableau – A still picture (like a freeze frame) Tableaux Mime – A series of still pictures used to tell a story (a bit like a comic strip!)
You will now do exercises to develop Tableaux Mime.
Tableau When creating a tableau you have to consider the same as when creating a freeze frame. Can you remember what they are? Use of levels Use of angles Masking Use of space to suggest relationship or place Facial Expression Body language Use of direction Positioning Balance
Tableau Mime Task In groups create a tableau mime that tells a story. You will present these to the class.
Storyboard Complete a storyboard in your jotter for the Tableau Mime you have just performed. You should draw each tableau in the box and use the space underneath to write further information about what is happening.