A Preferential Tableau for Circumscriptive ALCO RR 2009 Stephan Grimm Pascal Hitzler
Circumscriptive Description Logics (DLs) Preferential Tableau Example of calculating preferred models Conclusion Outline 2
Circumscriptive DLs DLs with circumscription Circumscription (minimising extensions of predicates) [McCarthy] Combination with DLs (minimising extensions of concepts/roles) [Bonatti,Lutz,Wolter] No specific reasoning algorithms exist Minimisation of predicates Keep extensions of selected predicates as small as possible Allows for nonmonotonic reasoning and defeasible inference Appearance of circumscriptive DLs Circumscription Pattern CP for a knowledge base KB CP = (M, V, F)circ CP (KB)
Semantics of Circumscriptive DL Preference relation < CP on Interpretations I = ( I, I ) models of circ CP ( KB ) are < CP -minimal models of KB, i.e. the preferred models of KB w.r.t. CP. comparing interpretations by their extensions for minimized predicates
Reasoning with Circumscribed KBs Various forms of defeasible reasoning defined with respect to (preferred) models of circ CP ( KB ) o Concept Satisfiability A concept C is satisfiable w.r.t. circ CP ( KB ) if some model of circ CP ( KB ) satisfies C I o Subsumption C ⊑ D holds w.r.t. circ CP ( KB ) if C I D I holds for all models I of circ CP ( KB ) o Entailment circ CP ( KB ) ⊨ C(a) holds if a C I holds for all models I of circ CP ( KB )
Example for Circumscriptive Reasoning Nonmonotonic reasoning example Default behaviour due to concept minimisation
Tableau to construct preferred models Formalism considered: parallel concept circumscription in general ALCO knowledge bases Extension of classical tableaux Additional check for preference clashes A tableau branch contains a preference clash if it represents non- preferred models Implementation of preference clash check Reduce check to classical reasoning problem (KB satisfiability in ALCO) Construct temporary knowledge base KB´ out of original KB and assertions in tableau branch B, such that Models of KB´ are preferred over those represented by B Preferential Tableau 7
Algorithm for Constructing KB´ Constructing KB´ for preference clash check
Example Preferential Tableau tableaux algorithm constructs a model for KB tableaux branches represent (potential) models of KB clashes represent contradictions in KB eliminate non-preferred models by introducing additional preference clashes preference clashes indicate non-minimality KB = {EUCity ⊑ cur.{Euro} ⊔ AbEUCity } KB ⊨ EUCity ⊑ cur.{Euro} ? x : EUCity x : cur. {Euro} x: EUCity x : cur.{Euro} x : AbEUCity ⇜ CP = ( M={AbEUCity}, F= , V={EUCity} )
Example Preference Clash Detection collect positive assertions to minimised concepts freeze extensions of minimised concepts KB ’ = KB { AbEUCity ⊑ {x} } ensure minimality condition in KB ’ KB ’ ( AbEUCity ⊓ {x}) ( ) new individual test KB ’ for consistency KB ’ is consistent ℬ has a preference clash x AbEUCity x : EUCity x : cur. {Euro} x: AbEUCity ℬ KB ’ = {EUCity ⊑ cur.{Euro} ⊔ AbEUCity, AbEUCity ⊑ {x}, ( AbEUCity ⊓ {x}) ( ) } consistent
Results Tableau calculus for circumscriptive ALCO o Proofed sound and complete o Extension of classical DL tableau by preference clash Criterion for preference clash check on tableau branches o Can be applied to open and closed tableau branches o Can be integrated into existing (optimised) tableau implementations Future work Extension to more expressive DLs Integration into open-source tableau implementations for testing Optimisations to cope with high complexity Conclusion 11
Defeasible Inference Inferences in OWL are universally true based on description logics (monotonic) conclusions only drawn from ensured evidence (OWA) Defeasible Inferences are based on common-sense conjectures conclusions drawn based on assumptions about what typically holds retracted in the presence of counter-evidence Example Assumption: Pizzas with non-chili toppings only are typically non-spicy
Circumscriptive DLs DLs with circumscription minimising extensions of DL-predicates [Bonatti,Lutz] Circumscription Pattern CP for a knowledge base KB Model-theoretic semantics Preference relation < CP on Interpretations only models minimal w.r.t. < CP remain models of
(Non-)Monotonicity of Reasoning Agent collects knowledge in the web Reasoning allows to derive implicit knowledge Reasoning is monotonic if the derived knowledge monotonically grows t KB ⊨ { f a,f b } KB {f c } ⊨ {f a,f b,f c,f d } KB {f c,f d } ⊨ {f a,f b,f c,f d } Semantic Web Agent KB {f a,f b } {f c } ... Agent KB ⊨ {f a, f b, f c, f x, f y,... } non-monotonic KB {f c,f d,f e } ⊨ {f c,f d }...
Non-Monotonicity for Common-Sense Situations of incomplete knowledge Pragmatic conclusions by default assumptions Admit the jumping to conclusions Agent KB = { Pizza(vesufo), hasTopping(vesufo,salami) } KB ⊨ SpicyDish(vesufo) ? KB ⊭ { SpicyDish(vesufo), hasTopping(vesufo,chili) } KB ⊨ SpicyDish(vesufo) KB { x : hasTopping(x,salami) SpicyDish(x) } ⊨ SpicyDish(vesufo)
Interpretations and Models in DL I = ( I, · I ) Concept Student Course Individual susan cs324 Role susan cs324 enrolled II susan cs324 enrolled Course I Student I I is a model of KB if it satisfies ist axioms Student Graduate susan Student enrolled susan cs324
Concept Minimisation Trade models for conclusions the less models the more conclusion nonmonotonicity: regain models by learning new knowledge Example models of KB...
Example Preferential Tableau tableaux algorithm constructs a model for KB tableaux branches represent (potential) models of KB clashes represent contradictions in KB eliminate non-preferred models by introducing additional preference clashes preference clashes indicate non-minimality KB = {EUCity ⊑ cur.{Euro} ⊔ AbEUCity, EUCity(Berlin) } KB ⊨ cur.{Euro}(Berlin) ? Berlin : EUCity Berlin : cur. {Euro} Berlin : EUCity Berlin : cur.{Euro} Berlin : AbEUCity ⇜ CP = ( M={AbEUCity}, F= , V={EUCity} )
Example Preference Clash Detection collect positive assertions to minimised concepts freeze extensions of minimised concepts KB ’ = KB { AbEUCity ⊑ {Berlin} } ensure minimality condition in KB ’ KB ’ ( AbEUCity ⊓ {Berlin}) ( ) new individual test KB ’ for consistency KB ’ is consistent ℬ has a preference clash Berlin AbEUCity Berlin : EUCity Berlin : cur. {Euro} Berlin : AbEUCity ℬ KB ’ = {EUCity ⊑ cur.{Euro} ⊔ AbEUCity, EUCity(Berlin), AbEUCity ⊑ {Berlin}, ( AbEUCity ⊓ {Berlin}) ( ) } consistent