Lots of companies have call centers
But do you know what is being said? Can you examine 100% of your call center conversations? What is going on in your call centers? What is on our customers mind?
Trouble report Descriptive conversation
keywords The analysis that exists today
There is a wealth of information hidden in the conversation
textual ETL unstructured data taxonomy relational data base With Textual ETL now you can easily and quickly capture and analyze ALL your call center conversations
textual ETL unstructured data taxonomy relational data base And once you have created a relational data base you can analyze it with standard analytical tools Tableau Qlikview SAS Excel Etc.
A dashboard showing what is going on in the call center
the classes of topics discussed
An hour by hour profile of call activity
A weekly profile of call activity
A monthly profile of call center activity
There is drill down capability as well
Once you find a point of interest, you can do further expansion
keywords Analytical dashboard beforeafter Which form of analysis tells you the most? It is no contest
But what if I want to use something other than Tableau to display my results? No problem. Textual ETL works with every other BI tool Including Business Objects, Qlikview, Cognos, MicroStrategy, Excel spreadsheets, and many more. Textual ETL is agnostic to the analytical tool you want to use.
textual ETL unstructured data taxonomy relational data base Once you have created your data base, you can analyze it in any way you want Statistical Analysis
Now you can know what your customers are saying. Now you can unlock all the information that is locked up in unstructured text.