Reader’s Theatre is minimal theatre in support of literature and reading. All types of reader’s theatre share these features: –Narration serves as the framework of dramatic presentation. –No full stage sets or props are used. If used at all, sets and props are simple and suggestive.
READER’S THEATRE –No full costumes are used. If used at all, costumes are partial and suggestive, or neutral and uniform. –No full memorization. Scripts are openly used in performance.
Scripts have been chosen and parts assigned. You will be responsible for preparing your scripts and yourselves for performance. This will involve the following: Deciding on what use of sets, props and costumes will be used. ie: will you all wear black, will you each have a different hat, will you use masks? Placement - How will you position yourselves during the performance? NOTE: levels are very effective in reader's theatre.
Continued… Other techniques - will you use tableau, mime, music? Rehearsal - Although the work does not have to be memorized, it does have to be well known and familiar to all actors. Use your time wisely.
Actor Objectives: (what you should be trying to do) Poise and Focus - Actors must stay in character at all times. They must not be fidgeting or looking around. Absolutely NO giggling. Characterization and Acting - Actors should have a full understanding of their part and the scenes they are in. This should be apparent in vocal inflection, facial expression and body position.
Actor Objectives: (what you should be trying to do) Pace - While performing the pace should be comfortable but never too fast. Actors need to anticipate their cues and come in immediately with no pauses. The entire cast should work together using tempo to build a scene to climax. Projection and Diction - Students should all be able to be heard from the back of the performance space. It will require practice.
Actor Objectives: (what you should be trying to do) Eye Contact - The audience should always be able to see the actor’s eyes when speaking. If referring to their script they must look down quickly but be looking up when speaking the line. Find a point above the audience to focus on. Ensemble - All actors in a scene should be working together to create the performance. There should never be a feeling that an actor is grandstanding (stealing the scene) or performing in their own little world.
Actor Objectives: (what you should be trying to do) Audience - As an audience member individuals are to be respectful and quiet during a performance. You must be able to critique the performance overall and in relation to individual actors. Absolutely NO booing from the audience.
Theatre should be safe and comfortable for everyone involved. Remember to include everyone in decision making. Most importantly --- HAVE FUN!