Health eDecisions (HeD) All Hands Meeting February 14th, 2013
Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking, please keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call Hold = Elevator Music = frustrated speakers and participants This meeting is being recorded Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other participants to know. Send comments to All Panelists so they can be addressed publically in the chat, or discussed in the meeting (as appropriate). From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute All Panelists
Agenda TopicTime Allotted Announcements5 minutes Work Stream 1 Update: HL7 Meeting Update 5 minutes Work Stream 2 Update: Pilots5 minutes Work Stream 3: Use Case 265 minutes Next Steps5 minutes Wrap up/Questions5 minutes
Announcements Vocabulary and Terminologies sub work will be meeting this week –Friday 12:30-2:30 EDT –
HL7 Update We met with CDS Workgroup –Finalized comments We will incorporate comments into the IG Pilots will pilot a Draft Final of the IG We will incorporate all pilot feedback (within the scope of ballot reconciliation) Final IG will be submitted to HL7 end of April-beginning May as our DSTU To see all comments and dispositions consult the HL7 section of the HeD Reference Wiki page: Plans: –We will continue to use our Wednesday meeting time to continue work on any the IG, harmonization efforts etc. ) –We will continue integrating comments into the IG
Continue with pilots Harmonize metadata Reconcile ballot comments HQMF/HeD harmonized artifact model VMR/QDM harmonized clinical data model DSTUDSTU Update IG Revise IG NormativeNormative BallotBallot Feb/Mar September 2~ years FHIR? HeD Roadmap for UC 1 Apr/May
Pilots Update – Work Stream 2 11 Pilot Participants Total February 11 Meeting (past) –2 Organizations presented their plans for the Use Case 1 Pilot newMentor OpenCDS February 25 Meeting (upcoming) –Zynx scheduled to present –3 slots open for other presenters In the coming weeks –Drafting pilot success criteria and metrics –Pilots sites will be preparing the pilot project documentation and presenting their pilot plans to the group To follow the work of pilots please see our wiki page:
HeD Pilots Goal Goal The goal of this initiative is to produce and consume implementable CDS interventions. 1.Event Condition Action Rules (ECA Rules) 2.Order Sets 3.Documentation Templates Pilot Scope 1.Health eDecisions will apply defined aspects of the Implementation Guide in a real-world setting. 2.Modify the Implementation Guide to ensure it is usable 3.The real-world pilots evaluate not only the technology, standards and model (VMR), but also provide a test bed to evaluate the interaction of technology, implementation support, and operational infrastructure required to meet Health eDecisions use case 1 objectives at the stakeholder or organization levels.
Timeline 10/11/20119 Goal & Activities Est. Duration DatesDeliverables Kickoff /Establish Goals & Partnerships: - Review HeD Initiative Goals - Review Piloting Process & Resources - Define Value Statement - Define HeD Pilot Goals & Success Metrics - Establish & Approve Pilots - Develop Pilot Briefs 4 weeks1/07-3/4 (we missed 2 meetings in January pushing our Dates back) -Wiki Capturing Pilot Deliverables -Established Partnerships -Documented Value Statements and Success Metrics -Documented Pilot Briefs Pilot Configuration: - Establish Pilot Test Environment & Resources - Establish Pilot Implementation & Testing Process - Develop & Review Pilot Configuration 2 weeks3/4-3/18 -Use Case is Updated with HL7 Comments (3/4) -Approved Pilot Briefs -Committed Pilot Resources -Documented & Reviewed Pilot Configuration Guide -Weekly Feedback on Use-Cases & IG Alignment Pilot Development : - Set up & Develop Pilot Prototypes - Review prototypes 6 wks. or less depending on Pilot activity 3/11 – 4/22-Use Case is Updated with HL7 Comments (3/4) -Weekly Pilot Development Status Updates -Weekly Feedback on Use-Cases & IG Alignment -Updates to Pilot Configuration Guides Pilot Testing & Showcase : - Complete Testing - Prepare Solution Showcase 2 weeks4/22-5/6-Weekly Pilot Testing Updates & KPIs -Showcase -Prepare for HL7 Pilot Wrap-up : - Develop Lessons Learned an ONC Feedback - Review Initiative Goal Alignment - Establish Next-Steps 2 weeks5/13-5/29-Documented ONC Feedback - Next Steps Action Plan We are Here
newMentor Pilot Lead: Julie Scherer, COO Will produce Rule or Documentation Template Planning to provide input on usability of IG Interested in working with Artifact Consumers Willing to work with clinical experts (e.g., CDC) to get content in exchangeable form Offered to collaborate with OpenCDS 3-way collaboration between newMentor, CDC and NextGen was proposed
OpenCDS Lead: David Shields –Will consume a Rule and deploy it to OpenCDS –Will accept patient data in real time and return result message as specified by the rule –Interested in compiling rule into DROOLS (possible collaboration with WK) –Possible collaboration with newMentor
Work Stream 3: Use Case 2 Working Session
UC2 Data Requirements CDS Response (guidance and/or other response elements) CDS Request (patient data + context) Clinical Mapping Data Actions Supporting Reference Supporting Evidence + DSS / Clinical Context? +?+?
UC2 Data Requirements When evaluating the requirements for UC1, we need to ask: –What is missing to support UC2? –What is not applicable to UC2? Homework (by EOD 2/19) –Review the Clinical Mapping Data Elements, asking the questions above and submit your feedback on the wiki (link to be included in follow-up )
Request Data Requirements The Data Elements SWG has been evaluating the Clinical Mapping Data requirements from UC1 for the patient data DSS and Infobutton were recommended as a starting point for the context data –Does anyone have experience with these and want to assist with the analysis to determine which components are applicable? –What other references are available for clinical context data elements? CDS Request (patient data + context) Clinical Mapping Data + DSS / Clinical Context?
Response Data Requirements The Supporting Evidence, Supporting Reference, and Actions buckets of data from UC1 were recommended as a starting point for the CDS Response –Other suggestions from the community? CDS Response (guidance and/or other response elements) Actions Supporting Reference Supporting Evidence +?+?
Next Steps Work Stream 1 – HL7: –Develop Work Plan for incorporating ballot resolutions into IG –Next HL7 meeting February 20th, pm EDT (see HeD Homepage wiki for meeting details: Work Stream 2 – Pilots: –We will be discussing Pilot Plans (please work on your project pans) –Next Pilots meeting: February 25 th, 1-2:30 pm EDT see HeD home page wiki for meeting details: –Review UC 1 for background information for UC 2 Work Stream 3 – Use Case 2: –We will continue reviewing the components of Use Case 2 –Next meeting February 21st, :30 EDT (see the HeD Homepage wiki for meeting details:
Contact Information For questions, please contact your support leads –Coordinator: Ken Kawamoto: –Co-Coordinators: Aziz Boxwala: Bryn Rhodes: –ONC Leadership: Alicia Morton: –Project Management: Jamie Parker: Becky Angeles: –Harmonization: Cem Mangir: Shalina Wadhwani: –Use Case: Merideth Vida: Dave Shevlin:
Useful Links Wiki – Use Case 1& 2 – –UC 2: Use Case 2: +CDS+Guidance+Service +CDS+Guidance+Service Pilots – HL7 Ballot Submission: – #Ballot #Ballot UC 1 Harmonization and IG: – Standards+%28Implementation%29 Standards+%28Implementation%29 HeD Glossary –