An individual animal, plant, or single- celled life form.
Producer (Autotroph)
Makes it own food through sunlight They make their own food
Consumer (Heterotroph)
Eats other organisms for food
Consumer that eats plants only
Consumer that eats other animals
Consumer that eats both animals and plants
Consumers that eat the bodies of already dead animals
Living thing that breaks down dead organisms (Recyclers )
Food Chain
A food chain shows how each living thing gets its food. Each link in this chain is food for the next link. A food chain always starts with plant life and ends with an animal.
Food Web
A graphic (picture) that shows the organisms that eat and get eaten in an environment.
Energy Pyramid
The environment where something lives.
An organisms way of life in an ecosystem; including habitat, food, predators and competition
Limiting Factors
Anything that keeps a population from growing to large Examples: food, water, living space
Carrying Capacity
The largest population that a given environment can support over a long period of time