Happy Tuesday Bio-Ninjas! Bellwork: Use your bellwork sheet to write down at least three facts from the class syllabus. When finished place the bellwork sheet into your buff binder.
Essential Question: How do I safely participate in labs? Content Standard: The student is expected to demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations
Before we can proceed we need to discuss Cornell Notes. Essential Question #2: How will using Cornell notes help me be successful in biology.
The Cornell note -taking system is a note -taking system devised in the 1950s by Walter Pauk, an education professor at Cornell University. Pauk advocated its use in his best-selling book How to Study in College. The Cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes. What the heck are Cornell Notes, anyway?
They look like this…..
They are broken down like this…
Some Examples….
And some More examples…
What yours will look like for this class Name Date Essential Question Supportin g Questions Or Main Topics Supporting Details Lists Definitions Bullet Points Summary/quick write. You are describing the lesson in your own words
Some common note taking abbreviations (save yourself some time!!)
Open your journals to page 5. Set this page up for Cornell Notes Essential Question: How do I safely participate in labs?
Zombie College Time to practice =-)
My Notes. Yours should look similar to this but do not worry about if they do not look exactly like mine. They are YOUR notes. As long as the same basic info is on there we should be fine.
Lab Procedures Never touch lab equipment without a teacher’s permission. Always wear your lab safety goggles and lab apron when in the lab. Pull back long hair. Wear closed-toe shoes during a lab. Do not touch/turn on water or gas faucets without a teacher’s permission. If you wear contacts, it is best to wear glasses in the lab. If you wear contacts, be sure to tell your teacher.
Lab Procedures Do not directly sniff any substance in a lab. Always waft! Never eat or put lab materials in your mouth. Do not chew gum in the lab. Follow directions exactly as they are given. If you have a question on a lab procedure, ask before going on. If there is an emergency or something is spilled or glass is broken, tell your teacher immediately.
Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan Follow the route your teacher describes Gather at your assigned area when outside. Your teacher will be there with the orange class number. Remain with your teacher until told to go inside (attendance will be taken). If we can return to the building, go directly back to class.
Lab Safety Equipment Goggles Aprons Eye Wash station* Safety Shower* Fire blanket/extinguisher* Emergency Passes* Items with a (*) by them are to only be used during an emergency. Your teacher will notify you when it is appropriate to use one of these items.
WHAT IS HAPPENING?! With your partner, look at the picture of the lab. Find as many things wrong with it as possible.
Page 4 of your Journal. Choose at least two lab safety rules/procedures and make an illustration about them on page 4. The Illustration must include color. This page must also include a poem, rap or song about LAB SAFETY. Each letter of the topic will start a new line: L ab Safety, Lab Safety A lways on my mind B eing a responsible classmate S urely is worth my time