Minecraft in the Classroom
What Did We Learn? Minecraft is an open-ended, interactive world created by destroying and creating blocks. Kind of like extreme Legos The more popular the game became, educators began to notice and study its educational potential.
What Did We Learn? Minecraft Edu: o Version of Minecraft created for the sole purpose of being used in education o Suggested lesson plans created by other teachers who have used them and provide feedback/assessment materials
What Did We Learn? Skills Practiced Creativity Geometrical thinking Critical thinking Collaboration, and it’s fun!
It Can Be Used to Serve ELLs Criteria of SIOP Model to use English while reading, writing, listening, and speaking promote interactions with each other and with the teacher – students interact with each other and teacher orally, and listening – write an essay of their plan, or read a passage
It Can Be Used to Serve ELLs Criteria of SIOP Model implemented with ease for nearly any subject area or grade level – Language Arts – Social Studies, construction of some historical site – Science, construction of a biome – Foreign Language, writing in another language or communicate using other language – Math, perimeter/area
It Can Be Used to Serve ELLs Criteria of SIOP Model provide information for the teacher to use for review and assessment of content and language objectives – assess the students in the classroom through observations – evaluate what the students have done, which gives information for review.