Prepared by: MONH Timsophavin Government Official of Legal Protection department Ministry Of Women’s Affairs Kingdom of Cambodia
Trafficking in persons of action that considers as the Royal Government of Cambodia in the 4 th mandate has outlined the Rectangular Strategy, Phase 2 for Growth, Employment and Equity. Our most objective is to increase the effectiveness of public services. With this strategy, we have been strengthening peace and, driving economic development, successfully improving other sectors and gradually reducing poverty. The Royal Government’s internal policy has put a central focus on human rights and gender, reflecting its commitment to combating human trafficking.
The Royal Government of Cambodia has focused on assisting victims of human trafficking to meet their required needs by providing appropriate services, especially assisting, rehabilitating, reintegrating, and protecting the rights of victims and preventing human trafficking in the country and cross borders. The Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation was promulgated on February 15 th, The Royal Government of Cambodia has taken significant action based on its international obligations to stop human trafficking through Prakas, laws and other Memoranda of Understanding.
Within the legal framework, the sale/purchase of human beings for sexual services or for other exploitative purposes is a crime both in Cambodia and overseas. It is the worst crime, a crime that devalues human beings and tramples human rights for profit. It is a crime that shall be never ever ignored by police officers, border officials and all competent authorities. The legal response to human trafficking criminals is aware that their crimes will not go unprosecuted. We have realized that human trafficking is a borderless crime; therefore, we need to have legal structures and processes that can address this cross-border crime. Human rights, including the rights of victims are protected for all people, including victims of human trafficking.
We know that victims of human trafficking are victims of transnational crime, and not illegal immigrants although their stories may be similar to illegal immigrants. They are not criminals but they are individuals who have the right to respect, justice and self-determination to map their future without discrimination to map their future without discrimination. They deserve our compassion and immediate action from our Government to relieve their hardship and suffering.
I. General situation II. Cambodia overview III. Trafficking in person analysis/Situation IV. Case Management Process
land area181,035 square Km Administrative Structure : ◦ Municipallity1(Phnom Penh) ◦ Provinces23 ◦ Districts 159 ◦ Khann9 ◦ City26 ◦ Commune 1,409 ◦ Sangkat 224 ◦ Village14,119
-Population14.3 million -Urban Population27 % -Rural Population73 % -Population Growth rate1,54 % -Density75 % -Sex Ratio94,7 % -Life expectancyF=64.3, M=60.5 -Adult literacy Rate (Male 85.1,female 70.9)
- Economic Activity Rate (Male 81.6,Female 78.5) -MMR206 (CDHS 2010) -IMR45 (CDHS 2010) -Under 5 mortality54 (CDHS 2010) -TFR3.0 (CDHS 2010) -GDP per capita$830 -GDP growth7 %
According to the ranked of the U.S Department of State in 2009, Cambodia is on the Tier 2 Watch List, but noted the country as Tier 2 in 2010 and The improved rating reflects the Government’s efforts to implement comprehensive activities to achieve the ‘minimum standards for eliminating all worst forms of human trafficking. When we look for the number of Tier 2 and Tier 2 Watch List we think that Cambodia has a little change. In the other way if we look for the Government’s efforts along the past 10 years ago we considered that is a big change. The Government’s efforts on the area of 3 Ps as follow:
Prevention: Prevent of human trafficking and sexual and labor exploitation by - Addressing vulnerability - Coordination of prevention efforts - Safe migration and labor migration management - Community activities - Promoting child safe tourism - Special project
Prosecution: Enhance criminal justice mechanism (suppressing and prosecuting human trafficking) by: - Develop legal framework - Strengthening capacity of law enforcers and concerned officials - Responsive judiciary system - Cooperation among law enforcement and criminal justice institution - Confidentiality and witness protection - Case Management and reporting
Protection: Protect victims (support for repatriation and reintegration), with special attention to children - Victim identification - Standards for victim support services - Repatriation, family tracing and family assessment - Assessment of transit centers and shelters - Specific victim support services - Case management and reporting
1. National/Local Plan or Strategy/Laws to identify and protect victims of human trafficking National Action Plan Against Trafficking in Person and Sexual Exploitation ( ). The strategy 4 (out of the 6 strategies) is “Protecting victims (including assistance in the repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration into Society),with special attention to children” Law on suppression of human trafficking and sexual exploitation (2008) Policy and Minimum Standards for the Protection of the Rights of Victims of Human Trafficking (2009)
2. Government engagement in regional/international activities to address the issues of identifying and protecting trafficking victims Cambodia has consolidated its partnership with other countries in the region to combat and reduce human trafficking including identification and protection of victim: Being an active member in the coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative Against Human Trafficking (COMMIT) process(sub Mekong region)
3. Government/organization-initiated activities to identify and protect trafficking victims The five yeas Strategic Plan(Neary Rattanak)III of our organization, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs(MOWA),focuses on 5 strategic areas along with a gender mainstreaming program for national policies, reform programs and sectors. The strategic area 3 is about Legal protection of Women and Girls. The Objective of the strategic areas 3 is to ensure that women and girls gain equal access to legal protection and to their human rights and that gender issues are taken into consideration in the preparation, and implementation of laws and legal training, that public awareness is developed and provision is made for care and rehabilitation for victims of GBV
4. Usage of Inter-agency coordination mechanism in identifying and protecting trafficking victims According to the Cooperation Agreement between the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Government of the Republic Socialist of Vietnam on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Identification and Repatriation of Trafficked Victims, the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia has establish the inter-Ministerial Working Group to implement the SOPs which’s leaded by the Director General of technical of MOSVY and the members from MOWA, MOI, MOJ, MOF, Director of Svay Rieng DOSVY and other staff from MOSVY. This Working Group has regularly cooperated with the Vietnam Working Group.
5. Programmes to raise awareness -Disseminate and ensure effective implementation of policies, laws, documents and standards which are relevant for the protection of the rights of victims of Human Trafficking - Disseminate on safe migration and blind migration -Provide information, phone/hot line numbers 6. Opportunities and Challenges Challenges: -The understanding of the rights of victims of human trafficking is limited; -The understanding of human trafficking in society is limited; -Lack of human, Material, and financial resources for the implementation of victims assistance programs.
Key opportunities: Political will towards protecting rights of victims of human trafficking and those who are vulnerable to human trafficking; Family, community, and staff providing services to victims to have opportunities to build their capacity.
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