Small and Smaller: New challenges and solutions for moving smallwood Bob Rummer US Forest Service Auburn, AL
Outline Anticipating smallwood challenges Merchandizing Smallwood harvesting Smallest wood (biomass) harvesting
Smallwood Reduction in available supply of larger trees Fuel reduction Adaptation Idaho City, ID
Significant Trends Fire I&D
Significant Trends Security Economic impacts Environmental
Its all about the green … Photo: Barry Wynsma
Costs define … What trees are cut (the perceived value of the treatment) What biomass has value in the market What product sorting, processing, merchandizing occurs
Example Stand ComponentPrescriptionProducts <3” 3-6” 6-12” topwood Cut & leave Cut & remove Selection Remove None Energywood Small sawlog Energywood
Assume: GreenGas $1.75/gal Renewable Oil Int’l Bio-oil
Example Stand ComponentPrescriptionProducts <3” 3-6” 6-9” 9-12” topwood Cut & leave Cut & remove Selection Remove Energywood Small sawlog Energywood
Expensive to work with smallwood Driven by volume/piece Underutilization of equipment
Solutions Match equipment to task Accumulate/pre-bunch
Felling, Processing, Piling Cost dbh (in) $/ton Manual Mechanized
Payload is key
Add the money
More efficient alternatives Mulching Piling Photo: Don Peterson Photo: Barry Wynsma
Integrated product recovery “The cheapest way to get the 4” stick is when it is attached to an 8” stick.” Steve Aulerich
Integrated recovery
Recovery of energy wood Conventional One-pass energywood Two-pass energywood 50%85%84% Rec. Vol $10/gt$7.50/gt$9/gt Harvest Cost
What about something new?
Several designs Reduced handling Low-impact Valmet 801 Combi Improve efficiency: Harwarders
Performance CTL DualCombi Site Move Forward Harvest Min/m 3 1 st Thin CTLDualCombi 2nd Thin CTLDualCombi Final harvest
System Productivity Removed ~9 CCF/acre, 3.8 PMH/acre Elemental times ~16 min/CCF Gross time ~25 min/CCF Misc. elements nearly half of all operating time Production rates similar to the Scandinavian studies
TimberPro TF 820-E 250 to 300 hp 23’ reach w/6’ 10.5’ wide, 33’ long lbs $460K Dual technology
Improve efficiency: cycle time What if your skidder was never empty? Photo: MTDC
Increasing recovery of residues
Low density Forwarding residues, Flagstaff, AZ
Improve payload
14 ton forwarder 9 ton payload ~$90,000 Continental Biomass Industries BTS-1
Improve payload Photo: Dan Len
Photo: BLM, Alturas
Swath harvesters Nicholson-Koch Mobile Chipharvester, 1980
Merchandizing energy Product is btu’s Unique spec’s
Energy value includes … Energy inputs Emissions
Summary Changing world for smallwood recovery The smallest fraction will likely be merchandized for energywood New technology to address barriers Improved handling efficiency Improved payload Processing for value Its an exciting time to be working in the woods
The Future