FAWeb Setup
Opening Page
Select for Academic Year.
Choose Options.
Make the Following Selections. NOTE: You may choose how you want this listed. NOTE: You may choose how many decimal places you want to show in the averages. NOTE: You may choose how you want students’ names displayed.
Click on Gradebook.
Choose 1 st in Marking Column.
Click on Customize.
Make the Following Selections. Click OK When Done. NOTE: You can have assignments sort by category or due date if you want. NOTE: You can have FAWeb show the grades that were dropped.
Choose Setup.
Choose Assign Calculations.
Do the Following FOR EACH CLASS: Do the Following FOR EACH CLASS: 1. Choose Sem 1, Sem 2, and Year 2. List the Class For Each Sem1, Sem 2, and Year 3. Choose the Appropriate Calculation
Choose Post Status.
Under Posting Status, Click Ready.
1. Change the Marking Column to the Next Selection and Repeat Clicking on Ready for Each Class. 2. Continue until ALL of the Choices in the Marking Column Have Been Selected.
Click on Setup and Choose Category.
NOW YOU MUST MAKE A DECISION. 1. How do you want to setup your grade book? You have four options. 2. Always choose the Standard Grading Scale.
Option 1: Total Points With Categories.
Option 2: Total Points With One Category.
Option 3: Weighted Categories Using Total Points NOTE: With this selection, category averages must be selected. NOTE: Make sure the numbers in Factor add up to 100.
Option 4: Weighted Categories Using Percentages.
Choose Setup and Copy Class Setup.
Make the Following Selections in Copy From: Make the Following Selections in Copy From: 1. Academic Year Marking Column 1 st 3. Your First Class (the class you were using)
Make the Following Selections in Copy To: Make the Following Selections in Copy To: 1. In each marking column, choose all options for each class. Click New Button. 2. Make sure you do all classes. 3. Save and copy.