Mrs. Bauza Mrs. Toledo Second Grade EFL Open House 1 Mrs. Bauza Mrs. Toledo Second Grade EFL Open House
2 This presentation along with other resources will be uploaded to our class website.
3 Our Contact Information 305-557-3303 Mrs. Toledo Reading / Language Arts & Social Studies Mrs. Bauza Spanish Language Arts, Science & Math
4 Attendance Students are to report to the Morning Line up # 9 and 10 at the PE Shelter. RAINY DAYS- Students are to report to the CAFETERIA and wait for teachers on the stage. BOTH AREAS ARE SUPERVISED BY ADMINISTRATION AND TEACHERS. Students must be in their seats by 8:35 AM or they will be considered tardy. Absences, Tardies and Early Dismissal Please keep in mind, if your child is not here, they will miss instruction and work. Notification - E-mail, notes; as soon as possible. Attendance Clarifications/corrections do take several days to reflect in the electronic grade book. ***Please refer to the Parent Handbook for further details.
Classroom Rules Raise my hand to speak. Stay in my seat. Work quietly. 5 Classroom Rules Raise my hand to speak. Stay in my seat. Work quietly. Follow directions the first time given. Use good manners. Walk quietly in line. Be prepared for class.
6 Rewards Verbal Praise Team Points (winning teams receive a weekly reward) Trips to the Treasure Box and Sticker Box Brag Tags Positive Notes Home Special Class Activities
Discipline Plan - Behavior Reflection How does your child earn their conduct grade? Warning………....A Behavior Chart 0-2…………A Behavior Chart 3 & Parent Phone Call………..B Behavior Chart 4 & Parent Conference……….C Behavior Chart 5 & Referral to Counselor……..D Behavior Chart 6 or more Referral to Administrator…………F ****The Discipline Plan can be found on our website and your child’s Home Learning folder.
Home Learning is a review and support for the week’s instruction. Home Learning Policy (found in RED HL folder) and website Agendas Copy home learning daily Check website daily. Due Fridays, no home learning on weekends unless home learning is incomplete.
9 Assessments i- Ready Assessments for Instruction in Reading SAT Stanford Achievement Test (Reading and Math) Strategies: Daily Reading , Increase Listening Skills & Problem Solving
Parent Portal Obtain initial user access through office. 1010 Parent Portal Obtain initial user access through office. Access website: Login and create a username and password. Check grades weekly.
Things to remember… Students should not be dropped off before 7:30 AM. FREE Breakfast begins at 7:30 in the cafeteria. Please keep your child home if he or she is not well…it will help them recover quicker and prevent others from getting sick. BRING TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY: 5 SHARPENED pencils Agenda Red Home Learning Folder * Replenish supplies as needed. * Bring items from supply list only to avoid distractions . Please visit the website DAILY for updates.
Class Website Resources Click on tabs for go to links for support per subject area. Make this a weekly habit!!!!! (Home Learning Tab and Newsletter) Our website has a wealth of information! If you sign up for updates, you will be notified of updates as they occur on your cellular phone or email address.
Together We Will Have a Wonderful Year! You can always contact us with questions or concerns. 305-557-3303 Remaining Open House Schedule Grade Level Time 3rd – 5th 6:15 -7:15 6th – 8th 7:15 – 9 :00