Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3
Your Proficiency Score Will Delegate Your Group Group 1 Group 2 Has passed their reading proficiency. Has NOT passed their writing proficiency. Will focus on grammar, sentence structure, essay writing techniques. Will do Reading Counts SSR Log. Has NOT passed their reading proficiency. Has passed their writing proficiency. Will focus on reading techniques. Will focus on vocabulary, practice tests, grammar, and syntax. Will do SSR reading logs.
Group 3 Has not passed their reading or their writing proficiency. Will focus on grammar, syntax, sentence structure, essay writing techniques, reading test techniques, and vocabulary. Group 3 will be expected to keep up with both groups 1 and 2.
Groups 2 and 3 You will be required to log into and complete exercises on USA Test Prep. USA Test Prep is a computerized testing aid to help you prepare for your Reading Proficiency. You will at least 1 hour per week prepping for the March 5 th test. You will be required to obtain a parent’s signature stating that you have completed it. I will also double check your progress at random through the site management system so that no tom foolery takes place with fake parent signatures. It’s time to grow up people, or not graduate and live with your parents until you are 40.
Gee, how do I get started? This site offers math, reading, and science practice exams, questions, games, and feedback. Follow the steps below when you register. Select Nevada HSPE Select Member Login Create a new account Type School ID: sectanv Type Activation Code: newton55 Complete login and personal information Click create account Select : Reading
First 10 minutes: SSR and Log. You will have this time taken away if you are talking AT ALL! Second 10 minutes: Grammar Practice and Correction. Last 25 minutes: You will go into your respective groups. I will have each group’s instructions on the board for the day. If there is any messing around, I will call your parents and request a parent meeting. If your parents do not speak English, then I will get a translator. Reading Test is: March 5 th (tentative) Writing Test is: March 7th
If you are new to my class, then you should go under: Angeline Richards English III R/W. I post weekly assignments 7-9 days before they are due. If you do not have a computer, internet access, or whatever the excuse may be, you are still required to turn ALL work into for full points. I also post all work on the back board for you to peruse before class. THERE WILL BE NO EXCUSES NOT TO SUBMIT YOUR WORK ONLINE. If you are new, you will need to sign up to my class on Go to Angeline Richards English III R/W Resources to find the class number and enter the class. I will assist you as well.
SSR and SSR LOGS You will begin reading as soon as the bell rings. Do not try socializing because I will immediately take everyone’s 10 minutes away and we will begin grammar exercises. This is END GAME! You have ample enough time to get your Reading Counts book and your paper log out. This time is to accommodate the 20% portion of your quarter grade for Reading Counts. DO NOT WASTE IT! You will be expected to read outside of class and pass a Reading Counts test before March 16 th Reading and Writing courses only require 10 reading counts points per quarter. I allow “rollover” points. When everyone gets 20 cumulative points for the semester….SSR LOGS END!!!
The SSR LOG Every week you are required to submit online one completed SSR Log. You are required at least 10 minutes of reading per day. This is accommodated in class for you. Every Friday will be SSR Day unless YOU MESS IT UP by BEING SOCIAL in CLASS! I.E. Talking. You will first need to make sure that your Reading Counts book is at least 1000 lexile (8 th grade reading level) or higher No “Top 10” books allowed. You may also not be able to “reread” a book you’ve already tested on. It’s just too bad and so sad, huh? You will present your Reading Counts book to me for approval. If I say “no,” then that’s a NO.
This is what your log looks like. You can find it under “Resources” on
It’s quite simple to follow…
Here’s an example from a book I read:
Make sure you… Have a hand written log for stamping and points on Friday. Type your hand written log and submit it to for your “English and Technology” points. Make sure to put your name, the title of the book and its lexile, and that Friday’s date on the log. Make sure to ask me if you do not have any idea what a literary device is…there is a plethora of literary device examples in the back of your literature book.
Let’s recap… Group 1: You NEED to pass your Writing Proficiency. Group 2: You NEED to pass your Reading Proficiency. Group 3: You need to bust butt because you NEED to pass BOTH proficiencies.
You will grab a Grammar Book before you sit down and take out your Reading Counts book and paper SSR Log The Holt Language Books are located on the bookshelf near the door. Your assignment for that day will be posted 7-9 days before it is due to You will submit your paper assignment the DAY of the ASSIGNMENT for my review and return. This is to make sure you are trying to learn the material. You will then make your corrections, type it, and submit it to that week’s grammar portal on
After you grab your language book… Take out your Reading Counts book and your paper log for Friday’s stamping and points. Failure to have these out within one minute of the bell will result in a points reduction and a Not Prepared Card. Begin reading IMMEDIATELY. If you are socializing, I will terminate SSR time and you will be required to read your Reading Counts book on your OWN time. Two consecutive missing SSR LOGS will result in a phone call home. This is second semester, and we do not have time to waste on your social life.
If you are absent… You do NOT get three extra days to submit work to because the work will be posted at least 7 to 9 days prior to the due date AND you should already have it done before the Friday DUE DATE. The Three Extra Days rule is for work that we do in class. Since you can do the work outside of class and submit it to, that point is moot. The only exception I will accept would be hospitalization. I will expect an or a phone call from your parents to the school explaining your circumstance.
Groups Each day I will rotate groups. Groups 1 and 3 will work with me on Mondays and Wednesdays. Group 2 will be quietly working on their assignments for submission. Groups 2 and 3 will work with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Group 1 will quietly be working on their assignments for submission. If you do not have the internet to type and submit your work, the days you are NOT working with me would be ideal to utilize the classroom computers. DO NOT ASK ME TO GO TO THE LIBRARY EVER! THAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY BEFORE SCHOOL, DURING LUNCH, OR AFTER SCHOOL.
Gee Miss…what if we don’t have school? How do the groups work? Your group or groups will work as usual. If Monday is a Professional Development Day, then Groups 1 and 3 do not work with me that day and resume Wednesday. Are there any questions??? Please do not test my patience by not being serious enough for this class. If you were with me 1 st semester and failed one or both of these tests, then you know it was because you did not put enough effort into learning it. I expect better this semester.
Seriously, I will become more evil than usual.
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