Presented by: - POOJA SHRESTHA
What is Fusion? When two light nuclei fuse together to form heavy nucleus, the process is known as Fusion. When two light nuclei fuse together to form heavy nucleus, the process is known as Fusion.
Fusion Fuel!! Two isotopes of hydrogen, such as Deuterium and Tritium are the fusion fuel. Two isotopes of hydrogen, such as Deuterium and Tritium are the fusion fuel. Deuterium (1 proton & 1 neutron) - Heavy water, which is richly found in sea water. Deuterium (1 proton & 1 neutron) - Heavy water, which is richly found in sea water. Tritium (1 proton & 2 neutron) – obtained by the nuclear reaction between neutron and Lithium. Tritium (1 proton & 2 neutron) – obtained by the nuclear reaction between neutron and Lithium.
Where the Energy Come From? Mass defect in nuclear reaction gives the energy. Mass defect in nuclear reaction gives the energy.
Fossil Fuel Energy Sources AdvantagesDisadvantages Coal Abundant Burn dirty Causes acid rain, air pollution, CO 2 Oil Flexible fuel source Transportable Finite supply Causes air pollution Produces CO 2 Natural Gas Burns cleanly Transportable Finite supply Produces CO 2
Fossil Fuel Reserve??
World Energy Need…
Non-Fossil Fuel Energy Sources AdvantagesDisadvantages Fission (Nuclear power) Clean, no CO 2 No immediate pollution Waste management Safety Concern Hydroelectric (mostly utilized) Clean, no CO 2 Dam construction destroys habitats Geographically limited Wind (low utilization) Clean, no CO 2 Huge no’s of windmills required Geographically limited Geothermal (low utilization) Clean, no CO 2 Geographically limited Solar (under utilized) Clean, no CO 2 Huge no’s of solar cells required Geographically limited
Advantages of Fusion Abundant Fuel Supply (for thousands of years) Deuterium – inexhaustible supply from sea water Deuterium – inexhaustible supply from sea water Tritium – produced from Lithium Tritium – produced from Lithium No Risk of Nuclear accident Fuel for energy is non-radioactive Fuel for energy is non-radioactive No Air Pollution of Greenhouse Gases Reaction product is Helium Reaction product is Helium Minimal or No High Level Nuclear Waste Careful material selection should minimize waste caused by neutron activation Careful material selection should minimize waste caused by neutron activation
Comparison of Fusion fuel with other fuels
Fusion, Inexhaustible energy for Mankind
Where we find Fusion? The Sun is itself a good example of Fusion. The Sun is itself a good example of Fusion.