Pre-Viewing Questions Where does money rank on the list of most important things in this world? Personally? As a society? What else is on that list for you personally? For society? How does money equal happiness for some? How does money not equal happiness? Do you think there is a price on everything? Explain. Can a price be put on people’s morality/integrity? Can a price be put on friendship?
There Will be Blood Intro. Qs As you watch, I want you to consider the following questions and ideas…take notes on things you notice. We will be looking back at certain scenes to aid in our discussion. Why was this movie made in this day in age? What relevant ideas do you see in the film that are present today? What comment is the film making on those ideas? How is the audience suppose to view Daniel Plainview and Eli Sunday? How do you know? What drives them? How does the music affect the film and the viewer? Cite specific scenes. What is the significance of the title? Go beyond the literal.
There Will Be Blood Essay Directions: You are to choose one of the prompts below and write a min. 1 ½ - 2 page typed essay (MLA format) on Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood. 1) Discuss the relevance of There Will Be Blood to today’s society and what message/theme Paul Thomas Anderson strives to illuminate and why. 2) Discuss the significance of the title to the film. Be sure to go beyond simply the literal meaning of the title. 3) Choose either Daniel Plainview or Eli Sunday and compare him to another complex film character. What similarities do you see? How does each character function in the film? What purpose do they serve in terms of a message/theme?