Meet the teacher night Presentation Teacher: Mr. Sylvain Bellemare
Math: Then… Then: Students in rows, no talking, and teacher as a presenter
Math: Now! Now: Students paired up in groups, communicating, and the teacher acting more as a guide. Why such changes?
Math processes Representation Reasoning and proof Connections
Communication Various types of communication The reasoning behind communication
Problem Solving Main strategies of the inquiry process Reason to encourage problem solving
Thank you for your time If you would have any questions/concerns, be sure to call me at school (between 8-4) at 555-HELP. References: Small, M. (2008) Making math Meaningful to Canadian Students, K- 8. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd. Van de Walle, J, Lovin, L. (2006) Teaching Student –Centered Mathematics Grades 5-8. Toronto: Pearson National Council of Teachers of Mathematical Process Standards