S.H.S.M. Application Process December and January Sign up in Guidance 2. February Pick Up S.H.S.M. Course Selection Instructions and Pathway Charts (see Co-op NOTE) 4. March Pick up and submit a S.H.S.M. application 5. April and May S.H.S.M. Interviews (see Co-op NOTE) 3. February Course Selections using Career Cruising Pick Up Pathway Chart in Guidance Due Friday March 23, 2012 All S.H.S.M. candidate s will be notified in June Open to all Grade 10 & 11 students Co-op NOTE Separate interviews for students applying for Co-op next year
The students of the month for the month of February are, Laura Engsig and Naijin Li, Co-Presidents of the Music Council. Together they have been leading a group of executive members since September. With excellent leadership skills, they have been planning and organizing events such as Mulock Idol for the entire school. This event was organized as a buy-out for all students: Continued….
part of the proceeds from ticket sales were donated to the BLUE DOOR SHELTER, an organization in Newmarket that is run for teenagers who are in need. Laura and Naijin continue to work in providing activities for students; currently, they are organizing Music Spirit Week, to take place in April. The Music Council meets weekly with Laura and Naijin at the helm planning activities to encourage school spirit through music.
In addition to all of these responsibilities, both Laura and Naijin continue to excel in their grade 12 studies. to LAURA ENGSIG and NAIJIN LI
Course Selection Verifications Due to guidance TODAY if you want to make changes to your course requests for next year.
Hey, does this interest you….? the scenery of majestic volcanic peaks, lush green vegetation, relentless surf; the lively rhythms of Latin music; living day to day in a world so different than the one you know; the caring and warmth of the people; the challenge of full immersion in Spanish; and, the opportunity to earn 6 high school credits.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out more about what could be the highlight of your high school career? Consider the International Cooperative Education Program to Ecuador CANDIDATES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CO-OP PROGRAM AND THEIR PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND AN INFORMATION MEETING HELD at 7:00 ON TUESDAY MARCH 27 TH AT AURORA HIGH SCHOOL
Mon Sheong Foundation Silver Jubilee Awards of Excellence Criteria: Any student who qualifies for university admission for September 2012 & is nominated by the school. Nominees will be evaluated on academic standing, community involvement, leadership, sportsmanship, & other commendable traits & talents If you wish to be nominated, submit a resume to guidance by April 30th
Planting a Future Students for the Environment Neighbourhood Network Tree Planting Day! When: Saturday, April 21, 2012 Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Lunch is provided Earn your community service hours Register in the Guidance Department
VOLUNTEER!!! Student Opportunities Available! Join the FIGHT in your town APRIL fightback.ca When: Thursday March 29 to Sunday April 1 Selling Live Daffodil various retail locations Three Hour Shifts! Contact Allison Fernandes Ext or
EASTER HOP-A-LONG VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Get your community hours and help out the Easter bunny! When: Saturday April 7 Time: 10am – 2pm Call Whatnot’s Main street, Newmarket
Looking for a summer adventure? What about sailing the Great Lakes on a Tall Ship? Toronto Brigantine’s Summer Program is targeted to youth ages 13 to 18, who are able to swim 100 metres and tread water for 10 minutes, are ready for adventure and are looking for NEW FRIENDS, EXCITING CHALLENGES and NEW SKILLS while sailing the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay this summer. Bursaries are available. Visit the Mulock Guidance Info Facebook page for the website link.
Registration for Drivers Ed is now open! Classes start on April 16 th First come first serve See Mrs. Rea in the main office for more information
POLICE WEEK Open House Saturday May 12 th, 10am – 3pm Community Safety Village Exhibits, see helicopter, emergency response unit, meet service dogs, other activities For information visit or
Hey Mulock! We promised to bring the world to Mulock, and now we are! The Social Justice Club is hosting a week-long Multi-cultural celebration in April. If you want to help plan the celebrations, or want to showcase all the cool things your culture has to offer come to the art room TODAY, to share your ideas. All students and teachers are welcome to attend!
Prom/Grad Fashion Expo When: Thursday March 29th from 7-9pm Where: St. John's Chrysostom Gym See a prom exhibition of dresses, tuxedos, photographers, hair, makeup, flowers and limousine services. Tickets are free with food bank donation. Contact Gen at or to reserve tickets.
Guys - need Community Involvement Hours? The Prom/Grad Fashion Expo is looking for males to model tuxedos. Contact Contact Gen at or or see guidance if interested.
Having trouble affording prom attire / accessories? We can help you out! See a guidance counsellor by TODAY
STUDENT TRUSTEE NEEDED! Want to make a difference ? You can represent over students ! Student Trustees are the link between students and the school board. Elections for the term starting August 2012 are held on Wednesday April 20 th at 7:00pm, at a meeting of the YRDSB Presidents’ Council at Richmond Hill High School. CONTINUED….
You must be in Gr. 11 or 12, full time, to run for election. Candidates need to submit a nomination form and a letter of support by April 4 th please see Ms. Mastro in the office for more details.
Join the Mulock Team for the “A&B Courier Run or Walk for Southlake" to support our local hospital. Choice of 5K or 10K Date: Sunday April 29th Cost: $10 for students $35 for staff Register/Details: Wed. Mar. 28th - Room 229 after school or Contact Ms.Bowen or Ms.Belanger