Slide 1 Figure 7-1 Page 127
Slide 2 Mangroves Coral reefs Rivers Lakes Figure 7-2 Page 128
Slide 3 Figure 7-3 Page 129 AdvantagesDisadvantages Physical support from water buoyancy Fairly constant temperature Nourishment from dissolved nutrients Water availability Easy dispersal of organisms, larvae, and eggs Less exposure to harmful UV radiation Dilution and dispersion of pollutants Can tolerate a narrow range of temperatures Exposure to dissolved pollutants Fluctuating population size for many species Dispersion separates many aquatic off- spring from parents Trade-offs Living in Water
Slide 4 Ocean hemisphereLand-ocean hemisphere Figure 7-4 Page 130
Slide 5 Figure 7-5 Page 130 Natural Capital Ecological Services Climate moderation CO 2 absorption Nutrient cycling Waste treatment and dilution Reduced storm impact (mangrove, barrier islands, coastal wetlands) Habitats and nursery areas for marine and terrestrial species Genetic resources and biodiversity Scientific information Economic Services Food Animal and pet feed (fish meal) Pharmaceuticals Harbors and transportation routes Coastal habitats for humans Recreation Employment Offshore oil and natural gas Minerals Building materials © 2004 Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning Marine Ecosystems
Slide 6 High tide Low tide Coastal Zone Estuarine Zone Continental shelf Open Sea Sea level Sun Euphotic Zone Bathyal Zone Abyssal Zone Depth in meters Photosynthesis 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 10,000 Darkness Twilight Figure 7-6 Page 131 © 2004 Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning
Slide 7 Figure 7-7 Page 132 DO NOT POST TO INTERNET
Slide 8 Herring gulls Snowy egret Peregrine falcon Cordgrass Short-billed dowitcher Marsh periwinkle Bacteria Clamworm Soft-shelled clam Zooplankton and small crustaceans Phytoplankton Smelt Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All producers and consumers to decomposers Figure 7-8 Page 132
Slide 9 Rocky Shore Beach Sea starHermit crabShore crab Nudibranch Monterey flatworm KelpSea lettuce Barnacles Sea urchin Anemone Low tide Mussel Periwinkle High tide Sculpin Figure 7-9a Page 134
Slide 10 Barrier beach Silversides Blue crab Low tide Dwarf olive Clam Beach flea Tiger beetle High tide Ghost shrimp Mole shrimp Sandpiper Peanut worm White sand macoma Sand dollarMoon snail Figure 7-9b Page 134
Slide 11 OceanBeach Intensive recreation, no building Primary Dune No direct passage or building Trough Limited recreation and walkways Secondary Dune No direct passage or building Bay or Lagoon Intensive recreation Back Dune Most suitable for development Grasses or shrubsTaller shrubs Taller shrubs and trees Bay shore No filling Figure 7-11 Page 135
Slide 12 Gray reef shark Green sea turtle Sea nettle Fairy basslet Blue tangs Brittle star Banded coral shrimp Sergeant major Parrot fish Hard corals Algae Phytoplankton Symbiotic algae Zooplankton Sponges Bacteria Moray eel Blackcap basslet Coney Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All consumers and producers to decomposers Figure 7-12 Page 136
Slide 13 Figure 7-13 Page 137 Ocean warming Soil erosion Algae growth from fertilizer runoff Mangrove destruction Coral reef bleaching Rising sea levels Increased UV exposure from ozone depletion Using cyanide and dynamite to harvest coral reef fish Coral removal for building material, aquariums, and jewelry Damage from anchors, ships, and tourist divers Natural Capital Degradation Coral Reefs
Slide 14 Figure 7-14 Page 137 Marine Ecosystems Half of coastal wetlands lost to agriculture and urban development Over one-third of mangrove forests lost since 1980 to agriculture, development, and aquaculture shrimp farms About 10% of world’s beaches eroding because of coastal development and rising sea level Ocean bottom habitats degraded by dredging and trawler fishing boats Over 25% of coral reefs severely damaged and 11% have been destroyed Natural Capital Degradation
Slide 15 Figure 7-15 Page 138 Freshwater Systems Ecological Services Economic Services Climate moderation Nutrient cycling Waste treat- ment and dilution Flood control Groundwater recharge Habitats for aquatic and terrestrial species Genetic resources and bio- diversity Scientific information Food Drinking water Irrigation water Hydroelectricity Transportation corridors Recreation Employment Natural Capital
Slide 16 Sunlight Painted turtle Green frog Pond snail Blue-winged teal Muskrat Plankton Northern pike Bloodworms Yellow perch Diving beetle Littoral zone Limnetic zone Profundal zone Benthic zone Figure 7-16 Page 139
Slide 17 Figure 7-17 Page 139 Sunlight Little shore vegetation Limnetic zone Profundal zone Oligotrophic lake Low concentration of nutrients and plankton Sparse fish population Narrow littoral zone Sleepily sloping shorelines Sand, gravel, rock bottom Sunlight Much shore vegetation Limnetic zone Profundal zone Eutrophic lake High concentration of nutrients and plankton Dense fish population Wide littoral zone Gently sloping shorelines Silt, sand, clay bottom
Slide 18 Rain and snow Water Sediment Lake GlacierRapids Waterfall Tributary Flood plain Oxbow lake Salt marsh Delta Ocean Deposited sediment Source Zone Transition Zone Floodplain Zone Figure 7-18 Page 140
Slide 19 Click to view animation. Ocean provinces interaction. Animation
Slide 20 Click to view animation. Lake zonation interaction. Animation
Slide 21 Click to view animation. Lake turnover interaction. Animation
Slide 22 Click to view animation. Trophic nature of lakes interaction. Animation