WELCOME Mrs. Warren’s Fifth Grade Class It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle
5 TH GRADE Based on the Common Core State Standards Higher expectations Faster Pace Taking responsibility for their own learning Reading Fluency is a must (read out loud a lot!) Rigorous assessments
HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS Planner (completed and signed daily) Math Reading Log and Response Spelling 2 nd Step Missing Homework: Stay in and finish at recess MORE than 4 missing – note home to parents
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS 1. Student managed 2. Teacher managed 3. Communication Report 4. Parent Involved Most classroom issue are with disrespect or non-compliance Empathy
MY CLASSROOM GOALS 1. Have clean, organized student desks. 2. Have all student work turned-in, in a timely manner. 3. Create a better classroom community. 4. Vocabulary – Context, root, affixes
TECHNOLOGY Students explore lots of different ways to use technology in their academic lives. Examples: Office 365, Biblionasium Headphones are needed! Please send in a pair in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name.
ASSESSMENTS STATE TESTING SBA – English Language Arts, Math, and Science (May/June 2017) DISTRICT AND CLASSROOM Unit Tests – Math, Reading, Writing Individualized Reading Tests Writing – Grammar, spelling, and essays i-Ready Diagnostic Tests
MATH EXPRESSIONS UNITS Algebra, Creating Expressions from Word Problems Volume, Capacity, and Weight Addition and Subtraction with Fractions Addition and Subtraction with Decimals Multiplication and Division with Decimals Quadrilaterals Circles, Polygons, and Angles Algebra, Functions and Graphs
MATH Pre/Post Assessments – Students will show growth within each unit Tests will come home along with Rubric Students will set goals to improve on the next unit
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Expeditionary Learning 3 Modules Becoming a Close Reader and Writing to Learn: Stories of Human Rights Researching to Build knowledge and Teaching Others: Biodiversity in Rainforests of the Wester Hemisphere Gathering Evidence and Speaking to Others: Natural Disasters in the Western Hemisphere
SOCIAL STUDIES From Colonies to Country – Pre- Revolutionary War to Creating a Nation We the People – History of the US Government with a focus on the constitution
SCIENCE AND HEALTH SCIENCE- FOSS KITS Variables Landforms Levers and Pulleys Inquiry based Scenarios HEALTH Aids/HIV Prevention Puberty
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP Privacy Rules Website privacy policies Group Think Taking Action instead of standing by
BEHAVIOR CURRICULUM 2 nd Steps - helps students solve problems on their own - bullying prevention and how to deal with bullying PBIS - 4 B’s - Be Safe, Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
KEYBOARDING – LEARNING.COM Students will spend the first 4-6 weeks, 3x per week practicing finger placement and accuracy The rest of the year will be spent honing skills in an authentic manner Typing essays Learning word processing basics Creating projects and reports
STANDARDS-BASED GRADING SYSTEM Student learning assessed using grade level targets (4, 3, 2, 1) Grade based on performance evidence Testing, quizzes, and daily work Percentage is NOT used to determine grade Homework reflected in behavior grades Behavior and effort graded separately