Finding The First Cosmic Explosions Daniel Whalen McWilliams Fellow in Cosmology Carnegie Mellon University
My Collaborators Chris Fryer (CCS-2 LANL) Daniel Holz (University of Chicago) Massimo Stiavelli (JWST / STSci) Candace Joggerst (T-2 LANL) Lucy Frey (XTD-6 LANL) Catherine Lovekin (T-2 LANL) Alexander Heger (University of Minnesota) Wes Even (XTD-6 LANL)
The WMAP Cosmic Microwave Sky: a Baby Picture of the Universe ( t ~ 400,000 yr)
128 kpc comoving The Universe at Redshift 20
~200 pc 100 pc Filamentary Inflow Into a Virialized Halo z ~ 20 Sites of First Star Formation
ENZO AMR Cosmology Code Enzo is now a public community research code applied by many research groups to a variety of astrophysical fluid dynamics problems PM dark matter / PPM hydro code includes cosmological expansion multispecies primordial chemistry and atomic/molecular cooling processes uniform ionizing and dissociating radiation backgrounds self-gravity Compton cooling due to CMB now has radiative transfer and magnetic fields
density temperature 0.6 pc0.06 pc1200 AU protostar disk
Properties of the First Stars believed to mostly form in isolation (one per halo), but Pop III binaries have been found to form 20% of the time in recent simulations very massive ( solar masses) due to inefficient H 2 cooling during formation T surface ~ 100,000 K extremely luminous sources of ionizing and LW photons (> photons s -1 ) Myr lifetimes
Transformation of the Halo Whalen, Abel & Norman 2004, ApJ, 610, 14
Primordial Ionization Front Instabilities Whalen & Norman 2008, ApJ, 675, 644
Final Fates of the First Stars Heger & Woosley 2002, ApJ 567, 532
Mixing & Fallback in 15 – 40 M sol Pop III SNe Joggerst,.., Whalen, et al 2010 ApJ 709, 11
Mixing in 150 – 250 M sol Pop III PI SNe Joggerst & Whalen 2011, ApJ, 728, 129
Stellar Archaeology: EMP and HMP Stars Hyper Metal-Poor (HMP) Stars: -5 < [Fe/H] < -4 thought to be enriched by one or a few SNe Extremely Metal-Poor (EMP) Stars: -4 < [Fe/H] <-3 thought to be enriched by an entire population of SNe because of the small scatter in their chemical abundances
No PISN? original non-rotating stellar evolution models predict a strong ‘odd-even’ nucleosynthetic signature in PISN element production to date, this effect has not been found in any of the EMP/HMP surveys intriguing, but not conclusive, evidence that Pop III stars had lower initial masses than suggested by simulation this has directed explosion models towards lower-mass stars Heger & Woosley 2002
Elemental Yield Comparison to HMP Stars
IMF-Averaged Yields and the EMP Stars
Recipe for an Accurate Primordial Supernova Remnant initialize blast with kinetic rather than thermal energy couple primordial chemistry to hydrodynamics with adaptive hierarchical timesteps implement metals and metal-line cooling use moving Eulerian grid to resolve flows from pc to 1 kpc include the dark matter potential of the halo Whalen, et al 2008, ApJ, 682, 49
4 SN Remnant Stages in H II Regions t < 10 yr: free-expansion shock 30 yr < t < 2400 yr: reverse shock 19.8 kyr < t < 420 kyr: collision with shell / radiative phase t > 2 Myr: dispersal of the halo
Reverse ShockCollision with the Shell: Fragmentation? Primordial SNe in Relic H II Regions: Enrichment of the Dense Shell
Late Radiative PhaseFallback Explosions in Neutral Halos: Containment
SN Remnant Luminosity Profile in an H II Region
SN Remnant Luminosity Profile in a Neutral Halo
Conclusions if a primordial star dies in a supernova, it will destroy any cosmological halo < 10 7 solar masses supernovae in neutral halos do not fizzle--they seriously damage but do not destroy the halo primordial SN in H II regions may trigger a second, prompt generation of low-mass stars that are unbound from the halo blasts in neutral halos result in violent fallback, potentially fueling the growth of SMBH seeds and forming a cluster of low-mass stars
LANL Pop III Supernova Light Curve Effort Whalen et al. ApJ 2010a,b,c in prep begin with 1D Pop III 15 – 40 M sol CC SN and 150 – 250 M sol PI SN blast profiles evolve these explosions through breakout from the surface of the star out to 6 mo (CC SNe) or 3 yr (PI SNe) in the LANL radiation hydro code RAGE (Radiation Adaptive Grid Eulerian) post-process RAGE profiles with the LANL SPECTRUM code to compute LCs and spectra perform MC Monte Carlo models of strong GL of z ~ 20 SNe to calculate flux boosts convolve boosted spectra with models for absorption by the Lyman alpha forest and JWST instrument response to determine detection thresholds in redshift
RAGE LANL ASC code RAGE (Radiation Adaptive Grid Eulerian) 1D RTP AMR radiation hydrodynamics with grey/multigroup FLD and Implicit Monte Carlo transport 2T models (radiation and matter not assumed to be at the same temperature) LANL OPLIB equilibrium atomic opacity database post process rad hydro profiles to obtain spectra and light curves
Post Processing Includes Detailed LANL Opacities but the atomic levels are assumed to be in equilibrium, a clear approximation
Our Grid of Pop III SN Light Curve Models 150, 175, 200, 225, and 250 M sol PI SN explosions, blue and red progenitors, in modest winds and in diffuse relic H II regions (18 models) 15, 25, and 40 M sol CC SN explosions, red and blue progenitors, three explosion energies in relic H II regions only red and blue progenitors span the range of expected stellar structures for Pop III stars core-collapse KEPLER blast profiles are evolved in 2D in the CASTRO AMR code first up to shock breakout to capture internal mixing—these profiles are then spherically averaged and evolved in RAGE to compute LCs
u150 u200 u175 u225
PISN Shock Breakout 150 – 1200 eV fireball temperature transient (a few hours in the local frame)
Spectra at Breakout The spectra evolve rapidly as the front cools
Long-Term Light-Curve Evolution even the lowest energy PISN at z ~ 10 produces a large signal in the JWST NIR camera over the first 50 days
Late Time Spectra spectral features after breakout may enable us to distinguish between PISN and CC SNe larger parameter study with well-resolved photospheres is now in progress
Conclusions PISN will be visible to JWST out to z ~ 10 ; strong lensing may enable their detection out to z ~ 15 (Holz, Whalen & Fryer 2010 ApJ in prep) dedicated ground-based followup with 30-meter class telescopes for primordial SNe spectroscopy discrimination between Pop III PISN and Pop III CC SNe will be challenging but offers the first direct constraints on the Pop III IMF complementary detection of Pop III PISN remnants by the SZ effect may be possible (Whalen, Bhattacharya & Holz 2010, ApJ in prep)