1 Projekt „Ochrona Środowiska na Terenach Wiejskich” The Rural Environmental Protection Project" Social Assessment Social Assessment Ocena Społeczna Jan Bałamut Welcome
2 AGRICULTURE IN POLAND Total farmland area - 18 million ha (58% of the total territory), Population - 38,3 million, including 40% inhabitants of rural areas, Agriculture provides employment to 25% of the population, Farm livestock is equivalent to about 7.5 million Large Livestock Units (LLU) Number of farm holdings - about 2 million, including 75% with on-going animal production
2 Agencja PIAST-Europa September 2002 Number of beneficiaries covered in a survey LIT Elbląg 102/52/80 LIT Toruń 178/116/164 LIT Ostrołęka 156/111/128 Legend: Summer_01/Winter_01/Summe r_02
4 The Rural Environment Protection Project Number of farm holdings Farmland area ha Average area of a farm holding - 32 ha Number of animals LLU, Target headage - about LLU.
5 Sources of information on the project 1. Agriculture Extension Centres; 55,60% 2. advisors in LIT 34,80% 3. gmina (local community) meetings 26,60% 4. radio/TV programmes on agriculture 21,80% 5. community leaders 12,60% 6. professional press for farmers 12,60% 7. neighbours or acquaintances 7,80% 8. information promotion campaign (field trips) 7,20% 9. local press 6,80%
7 Share of respondents from specific LIT’s LITTotal Theme – motiveToruń Elbląg Ostrołęka a) external funding makes the investment project possible 77,20%100,0%56,70%72,70% b) input into the reduction of environmental pollution;42,50%55,20%48,50%45,70% c) nicer appearance and reduced odour on the farm;56,90%48,30%38,10%49,80% d) arguments presented by the ODR and LIT advisors;23,40%27,60%9,30%19,10% e) new techniques and farming methods can be implemented;18,60%27,60%39,20%26,30% f) prospective requirements upon PL accession to the EU can be met37,70%44,80%36,10%37,90% g) readiness to upgrade production quality;15,00%13,80%21,60%17,10% h) readiness to upgrade production efficiency;13,20%24,10%22,70%17,40% i) readiness to upgrade own OHS conditions;24,60%34,50%33,00%28,30% j) labour input can be reduced;11,40%6,90%19,60%13,70% k) wish to impress one’s neighbours;1,80%0,00%4,10%2,40% Motives to join the Project
8 Economic Economic - of concern to all the farmers. Ecological Ecological- in tourism areas. Enhanced quality Enhanced quality - in areas where similar projects have already been implemented. Aesthetic Aesthetic -1/3 of farmers in all the groups.
9 Questions providing the basis to develop a synthetic indicator of environmental awareness a) Farming activities do not result in threats to natural environment in Poland. b) Can natural fertilisers such as manure, liquid manure and slurry pose a threat to the environment?
10 Environmental awareness level 29.70% 30.90% 45.50% 54.50% 53.90% 67.80% 83.45% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Nation- wide research Group out of project area LIT area ou of project Winter_01 Valley of the Bug river, May 2002 Summer_01Winter_01Summer_02
11 Farmers sadisfied because of their participation in the project 86.8% 2.5% 10.8% Definitely sadisfied Quite sadisfied Data not avaliable
12 Farmers satisfied with advisory service 3.4% 82.8% 0.3% 13.5% Definitely satisfied Quite satisfied Rather not-satisfied Data not avaliable
13 Agriculture extension service for farmers Farmers would not have been able to meet environmental protection requirements set under the project had it not been for the advisors’ assistance - 71,43% of respondents agreed with the statement. Farmers regard individually performed advisory service highly or very highly : 88% of the total (Winter_01), 92,2% (Summer_02) Farmers regard advisory service performed collectively highly or very highly: 80% (Winter_01), 90,5% (Summer_02)