Dear Alice French fine dining restaurant 班級 : 餐旅二甲 學生 : 魏辰紘 學號 :499H0026.


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Presentation transcript:

Dear Alice French fine dining restaurant 班級 : 餐旅二甲 學生 : 魏辰紘 學號 :499H0026

About Dear Alice Steak & Molecular gastronomy: Dear Alice the fashion classic of French cuisine Philosophy The name of the restaurant is from “Alice in wonderland.” we hope that customers dining in our restaurant to make them have the feeling of virtually being the situation like Alice in wonderland. Thus, that is the reason why we use Purple to be our restaurant’s main color. Furthermore, we also use lobby & dining table’s crystal chandeliers to increase some romantic flavors.

In the dining area. Using special techniques molecular cuisine, give every customers not only the taste in cuisine to have more on gradation but also the surprise in the visual impact. Finally, we sincere hope that if customers were able to walk into ……………….. Alice in wonderland !

No.115 Sec.1 Yongfu Rd Tainan City

Terrine Of Shrimps And Vegetables With Caviar Sour Cream

Provence Vegetables And Pancetta Soup


Comfit Duck Leg With Orange Sauce

The end