Vocabulary List #9 English 11 Honors
1. machination (noun) an evil plan Synonym: scheme; plot
2. pejorative (adjective) having a negative effect; insulting Synonym: derogatory
3. harbinger (noun) an omen; a sign of something to happen Synonym: warning; portent
4. sapient (adjective) wise; full of knowledge Synonym: sagacious
5. chimerical (adjective) imaginary; fantastical Synonym: illusionary
6. masochist (noun) a person who enjoys his or her own suffering
7. heterogeneous (adjective) different; dissimilar Synonym: diverse, varied
8. grandiose (adjective) showy; magnificent Synonym: stately; imposing
9. raiment (noun) clothing; garments
10. blanch (verb) to whiten; to make pale Synonym: bleach
11. nubile (adjective) suitable for marriage in age and physical development (mainly referring to a female)
12. finesse (noun) diplomacy; tact; artful management; knowing how to act appropriately or cleverly in certain situations Synonyms: skill; cunning
13. eclectic (adjective) choosing from various sources; widespread Synonym: selective
14. hybrid (noun) anything of mixed origin
15. idiosyncrasy (noun) a peculiar personality trait Synonym: quirk