Best Managers on the Net® Building A Successful Business Using The Internet Session 5 Refine Concept & Register Domain Name SiteSell Education © 2012
Goals Of Session 5 Step 1 - Make key decisions. Step 2 - Read Make Your Content PREsell!, vital for PREselling and VPP selection. Step 3 - Final evaluation … Loop back if necessary. Step 4 - Ready? Name that domain! Step 5 - Do a final round of checks and then … Step 6 - Register your domain name.
Activity - Site Content Blueprint Review Get with your partner. Show them your Site Content Blueprint. Explain your Site Concept and the reasoning behind your T2 and T3 pages, and C2. Ask for your partner’s opinion. Be sure to take turns explaining and getting feedback.
Step 1 - Make Key Decisions
Key Points for Narrowing Your Niche Thoroughly brainstorm and research. Know your material. Nail down your unique voice. Communicate to your visitor’s want or need. Become a “big fish in a small pond.” Do the non-obvious. Factor in your niche’s fierce-following potential. Factor in monetization.
Activity – VPP and your Competition Part 1- Paired work Find a partner you haven’t worked with. Explain your VPP and spin to them – practice your “elevator speech” – what domain names are you considering? Pull up your Site Concept Keyword in the MKL and click Site Info for competitive information. Help each other identify your top 2-3 competitors using the criteria discussed in Day 4 of the Action Guide.
Activity – VPP and your Competition Whole class activity (Optional) Explain your Site Concept, VPP and spin to the whole class. Show us one site you believe will be competitive with yours. Class must come up with 3 “devil’s advocate” questions about your Site Concept, VPP or spin which you will answer. Examples: Why would I choose your site over your competition? What’s special about your content? “
Step 2 - View MYCPS! Video, Read Ebook View:
Worried You CanNOT Write? If you can communicate, you can write. Many people turn into “keyboard turnips” when it’s time to communicate in written form. Don’t be a “keyboard turnip.” Follow the advice in MYCPS!.
Step 3. Perform Final Evaluation
Loop Back To DAYs 2, 3 & 4 If Needed
Step 4 - Register Your Domain Name
Domain Name Recommendations Include your Site Concept Keyword (not essential though). If SCK is more than 2 words long, pick 2 most important words. Add a short marketing word for VPP. Avoid dashes (if non-dashed name is not available, use 1 dash max, try to use none). Limit domain name to 3 words or less. Short and snappy is best. Limit to 10 characters if possible.
Is Your Domain Name: Short? Descriptive? Easy to spell? Easy to remember? Does it pass the “radio test”? What does it conjure up in the mind of the visitor? Does it give search engines a clue (SCK) about the content of your site or help with branding?
Make Sure It’s Legal
Make Sure Your Domain Name Has Not Been Banned If your domain name was used in the past for shady practices, it could be banned from AdSense. –Check by going to:
Step 5 – Do Final Round of Checks Write your Home Page content before registering your domain name. Brainstorm TIER 2 related mini-niches. Get feedback from friends and relatives. Double-check legalities.
Step 6 – Register Your Domain Name You've chosen a domain name. You've checked the legalities. Go to Enter your order number and register your domain.
What happens once you register? Confirmation with your new domain name from SiteSell You’ll be able to find your domain name online within hours Begin building your site
Use Search It! For Content Ideas
Reflect on Your Progress During the past 5 weeks, you have: – Invested in your web business. –Thoroughly brainstormed, researched and blueprinted your content. –Created your Monetization Plan.
The Secret to Success
Boldly Go Where Others Have Gone!
Your Business-Building Homework Refine your Site Concept and Blueprint. Define your Valuable PREselling Proposition (VPP). Carefully Review Day 5 Domain Name Guidelines: name-guidelines.html. Register your perfect domain name. Read “Make Your Content PREsell!” ebook. Study DAY 6 of the Action Guide. Questions? your instructor: