The World of Gummies Mallory DDP 2/1/12
What is your product? Tell the name, put in a picture, describe it.
Describe Your Target Market By age By sex By profession or career By income level By educational level By residence Identify and describe your customers (target market) by their age, sex, income/educational levels, profession/career and residence. Know your customers better than you know anyone - their likes, dislikes, expectations. Since you will have limited resources target only those customers who are more likely to purchase your product. As your business grows and your customer base expands, then, you may need to consider modifying this section of the marketing plan to include other customers.
Product Price point Cost to make your product per ounce How many ounces in your package Overhead cost on average Retail Price
Where is your target place to sell your product? List all the target customers and where your customer shops
Describe Your Product Try to describe the benefits of your goods from your customer's perspective. Emphasize its special features - i.e., the selling points. Successful business owners know or at least have an idea of what their customers what or expect from them. This type of anticipation can be helpful in building customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Promotion How will you promote your product?
Show images of where your product will be located in the store. Add any other pertinent information.