How to Filter the Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) Student Data File IDENTIFYING STUDENT RECORDS USED TO CALCULATE AMAO I & II
Log on to the Secure Site The AMAO student data file can only be accessed through the Secure Site at by authorized users To login to the Secure Site, a Michigan Education Information System (MEIS) account is needed and can be setup at After setting up a MEIS account the individual can login to the Secure Site and request “District Accountability” access from their district’s Secure Site District Administrator. MEIS account passwords can be reset at:
Download the AMAO Student Data File Use the menu items along the top of the Secure Site to navigate to “Accountability” “AMAO” “AMAO Summary Report” Select the desired Academic Year, your ISD, your District, and then click the “Search” button Scroll to the bottom of the AMAO Summary Report and click on the “Download Student Information” button Open the downloaded file in Microsoft Excel. Excel may warn that the file is a different format than the file extension shows and ask if you want to proceed in opening the file. Click yes to open the file.
Filter Columns in Microsoft Excel The AMAO student data file is pre-filtered to only contain records of AMAO Eligible students (i.e., have an English Learner [EL] flag, not enrolled in an early childhood or adult program, not having a private school or homeschool flag, etc.) To identify the student records used for each AMAO additional filters will need to be applied Turn on the filtering feature in Microsoft Excel. If you do not know how to filter in MS Excel, watch this video on YouTube:
Filtering to Identify Records used for AMAO I (Progress) Filter column AA “Tested District Code” to your district code. If you do not know your district code, it is given in column D “Reporting District Code”
Filtering to Identify Records used for AMAO I (Progress) Filter column AM “SGP” to not equal (Blank) by clicking on the SGP filter, scrolling to the bottom of the filter values, and unchecking the box next to (Blanks). Filters out records with no progress data (i.e., no SGP) and were therefore not included in the AMAO I (Progress) calculation These records make up the denominator of AMAO I (Progress)
Filtering to Identify Records used for AMAO I (Progress) Filter column AN “Student Progressed” to “1” (i.e., TRUE) Filters to records meeting the student-level definition of progress (i.e., SGP >= 50) These records make up the numerator of AMAO I (Progress)
Filtering to Identify Records used for AMAO II (Proficiency) Clear all filters by navigating to “Home” -> “Sort & Filter” -> “Clear”
Filtering to Identify Records used for AMAO II (Proficiency) Filter column AA “Tested District Code” to your district code. If you do not know your district code, it is given in column D “Reporting District Code” This filters to include only records having a valid overall performance level (PL) These records make up the denominator of AMAO II (Proficiency)
Filtering to Identify Records used for AMAO II (Proficiency) Filter column AF “Student Proficient” to “1” (i.e., TRUE) Filters out records with no progress data (i.e., no SGP) and were therefore not included in the AMAO I (Progress) calculation These records make up the numerator of AMAO II (Proficiency)
Filtering to Identify Records used for WIDA/WIDA Alt Participation Clear all filters by navigating to “Home” -> “Sort & Filter” -> “Clear”
Filtering to Identify Records used for WIDA/WIDA Alt Participation Filter column Z “PEPE District Code” to your district code. If you do not know your district code, it is given in column D “Reporting District Code” These records make up the denominator of WIDA/WIDA Alt Participation. This is also know as your district’s Expected To Test roster.
Filtering to Identify Records used for WIDA/WIDA Alt Participation Filter column AB “Student Participated” to “1” (i.e., TRUE) These students have valid a valid test result or a not tested exemption for each domain. These records make up the numerator of WIDA/WIDA Alt Participation.
AMAO Student Datafile Columns A data dictionary was created to help you understand what each of the columns in the student datafiles displays. The data dictionary can be found at:
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