That 57% of children under the age of 8 own a tablet device By the age of 3, kids become aware of their body parts Not all parents agree with the anatomy kids are taught in early education › Might create unhealthy curiosity about body parts
Teaches children in effective ways about the anatomy of the human body Cost- $4.99 Apple & Andriod app store › to/id ?mt=8 to/id ?mt=8 › ebody&hl=en ebody&hl=en
Tablet or smart phone appropriate Designed for kid’s and adults Great for homeschooling & extra learning Parent’s Choice Silver Honor Award
Take virtual tour of human body › Zoom inside the skeleton, muscles, organs, nerves, and blood vessels › Displays how the body moves internally like the way blood flows › Learn how the muscles work together › How parts, like the iris, got its name › Watch short movies that show the way your brain works
Dissect the area to get a closer look Take a tour Take quizzes Listen Watch videos
Could make children want to be healthier › If children know more about their body, could lower obesity rates Fun & Effective way of learning about the body
Cost- $4.99 Winner of Parents Choice Silver Award