Motivation The force that moves people to act
Drives Motivation that comes naturally is from instincts, or human drives Drives- deep physical urges such as hunger, thirst, fear, and tiredness Strong motivators that make you take actions necessary to meet your needs Urge you to act in situations involving other people: aggression, protect family
Learned Motivation The desire for possessions, recognition, or achievement drives people Work hard for things you believe in
Example Put in a dollar take out $1,000- most people would not hesitate Put a dollar in today, you can take out $1,000 in 20 years- people might think more Put a dollar in, you may take $1,000 out, but when you touch the box, you’ll get an electric shock- most people want to know, how much will it hurt Put a dollar in, there’s a 1 in 10 chance you can take $1,000 out Motivated to act only if you think that the rewards/benefits are worth waiting for
4 Factors of Motivation 1. The value of the reward How big is the reward? 2. Its timing How soon will the reward come? How soon will the price have to be paid? 3. The costs What will be the risk or consequence of seeking the reward? 4. Its probability How likely is the reward, how certain the price?
If it is hard to get motivated, the reason is often because of timing and having to wait too long to receive the reward EXAMPLE If you enjoy ice cream now (immediate), you won’t notice your weight gain (consequence) until next month (pay later) If you go without ice cream now, you can’t expect to see any weight loss until next month (no immediate reward)
You have to know, and really believe, that you will benefit before you’ll be willing to change your behavior
Do Now List 5 things that you would like to change about yourself. Put a + next to the ones you know how to change Put a * next to the ones you really really want to change Circle the ones you definitely will change Underline those already changing