RULES AND PROCEDURES The simulation consists of delegates registered for participation from various schools. A healthy discussion is expected out of the delegates. The delegate’s body language should not communicate the message of domination over others, rather tolerance towards others. Prior permission needs to be taken from the Executive Board before leaving the room. There are two groups in the simulation, one supporting the Congress, and the other supporting the Akali Dal. There are two participants from each school, where one participant has to support one of the groups.
The delegates are expected to read the background guide and research well. Due respect should be given to Executive Board members. Executive Board will be giving the opening speech and the situation on which the discussion is to be held. The delegate has to raise the placard to get a chance of speaking during the discussion. Speakers shall be called upon in order in which they have signified their desire to speak. When a particular delegate is speaking, interruptions and audible conversations are not permitted. After the discussion, a common resolution will be formed and put to vote.
Delegates shall vote by showing placards. The resolution will be passed only with a majority of 2/3 rd votes. If any delegate feels that an amendment has to be made in the resolution then he/she will write it to the Executive Board who will in turn pass it on to the Secretary General, the deciding authority. Press members are there in the simulation to record all the discussions and results of voting. English is the language of communication. Delegates can bring their laptops but cannot use internet. The management is not responsible for any loss.
AWARD POLICY Please note down the below information on the criteria set forward for the awarding of delegates. This information is provided by the Secretariat of the India Calling Conference 2014: Each committee will award three titles ‘Principal Speaker Award’, ‘Best Opponent Award’ & ‘Best Research Award’. ‘The Best Participating School’ will be awarded on the basis of performance in all the three simulations. The recipients of these awards will be chosen by the Secretary General of the conference on the basis of recommendations from the simulation executive board members who will chair the respective committees.
The factors to be taken into consideration are as follows: 1. Extensive and accurate knowledge of committee topics, as well as application of said knowledge. 2. Effective and diplomatic communication with other delegates. 3. Contribution to pragmatic and acceptable solutions to the discussed issues. 4. The ability to make cohesive and swaying arguments. 5. Skill in the development of resolutions and amendments.
-From all the Executive Board members of Simulation I.