CGFNS Strategic Plan Executive Summary Report
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT 2004 – 2006 STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS AND OUTCOMES FOUR GOALS Develop strategic alliances to optimize CGFNS services for multi-directional migration of healthcare professionals Create a center/institute for the study of global healthcare professions mobility Create and implement a continuous performance program across all programs and services Institute steps to prepare for computerized testing
Goal One Develop strategic alliances to optimize CGFNS services for multi-directional migration of healthcare professionals Developed and implemented policy guidelines for strategic alliances Completed Marketing Department audit Utilized audit and market research to re-asses CGFNS market penetration and competitiveness in the credentialing and certifying arenas Developed marketing campaign for VisaScreen to include ads, direct mailers and brochures to key stakeholders
Goal One Develop strategic alliances to optimize CGFNS services for multi-directional migration of healthcare professionals Collaborated with key national and international stakeholders to address issues in migration of healthcare professionals Continued interaction with the Bilingual Nurses Alliance Established liaison relationship with AILA, the American Immigration Lawyers Association Established partnership with ILW to participate in a series of teleconferences regarding immigration and legislation Established official liaison relationship with USCIS Office of Adjudication on interpretation of regulation on select applicants and a schedule of meetings regarding fraud
Goal One Develop strategic alliances to optimize CGFNS services for multi-directional migration of healthcare professionals Developed a proposal for various credentialing and/or testing partnerships with Dubai Healthcare City, An Bord Altranais, Nurse Midwifery Council of the United Kingdom, American Nurses Credentialing Center, International Council of Nurses, Kaplan Nursing, Ministry of Health China, Commission for Filipinos Overseas, Philippines Developed joint credentialing statement for TN nurses (Canada) with NCSBN
Goal Two Create a center/institute for the study of global healthcare professions mobility Determined legal, structural governance fiscal framework, including the provision of staff support for the Centre on Nurse Migration In partnership with ICN, launched The International Centre on Nurse Migration Created and implemented the website for the International Centre on Nurse Migration Published and disseminated papers from the 2003, 2004 and 2005 Think Tank Published and disseminated the 2004, 2005 Annual Report
Goal Two Create a center/institute for the study of global healthcare professions mobility Published four mini guides to supplement the CGFNS Official Study Guide, dealing with clinical aspects of nursing practice Conducted fourteen (14) informational forums in the United States and Canada, which disseminated information regarding the final rules implementing the 1996 immigration law for US and Canadian professional associations and regulatory bodies Opened new test sites, internationally, for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam: Abuja, Nigeria; Mumbai, India; Moscow, Russia Planned, coordinated and/or conducted thirty-two (32) workshops or symposia, nationally and internationally, to increase organizational visibility with regard to regulatory and credentialing expertise
Goal Two Create a center/institute for the study of global healthcare professions mobility Dissemination of CGFNS standards through publications, participation on committees, public speaking, networking at meetings and marketing Presented an invited paper to the Government Accountability Office Expert Panel on Migration and Workforce Issues entitled “The Role of Foreign Educated Health Professionals in the US Workforce”. Published and disseminated a monograph describing the characteristics of foreign, Licensed Practical Nurses in the US work force Provided immigration trend data to the Office of Economic and Cultural Development (OECD), the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and The World Health Organization (WHO) regarding foreign nurse and foreign health professional migratory patterns and issues
Goal Two Create a center/institute for the study of global healthcare professions mobility Developed and disseminated specific profiles on the education and testing patterns of foreign educated nurses from the Philippines, China, India, Canada, Nigeria and the United Kingdom Provided targeted information on US immigration requirements and CGFNS programs to nineteen (19) state nursing regulatory councils of India
Goal Three Create and implement a continuous performance program across all programs and services Created and implemented continuous performance efficiencies across all programs and services Implemented an organizational re-structure to increase effectiveness in programs and services Developed a formal library, registered as a National Union Catalog Member at the Library of Congress, allowing us to access intra-library loan Created on-line catalog of materials
Goal Three Create and implement a continuous performance program across all programs and services Redesigned the website, reformatting design, content, technical infrastructure and enhanced navigation for ease Redesigned messages with new content and educational value for all applications Created handbooks for VisaScreen and the New York Credentials Verification Service Reviewed and revised all CERPASS generated correspondence
Goal Three Create and implement a continuous performance program across all programs and services Conducted focus groups with applicants to refine present CERPASS System Created the Ombudsman Unit to address complaints Created the Department of Advocacy, Quality Assurance and Staff Development to track and monitor functions and to provide on-going in-house education and training Recruited and hired key management personnel, Chief Operations Officer, Director of Information Technology, Director of Assessment Services, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Advocacy, Quality Assurance and Staff Development, Director of Business Development, Marketing and Planning Implemented an outsourced imaging and scanning technology for processing documents and data
Goal Three Create and implement a continuous performance program across all programs and services Beginning in 2006, developed the technology and created the process and procedures to have imaging and scanning technologies brought in-house for processing documents and data Developed and implemented an electronic reporting process for CES reports, entitled “CES CONNECT” Provided targeted orientation to forty-five (45) State Boards on utilizing the CES Connect system Created a secured, on-line informational reporting process for the US Embassies in Manila and Saudi Arabia
Goal Three Create and implement a continuous performance program across all programs and services Conducted surveys and trend analysis to increase scope of data collection and information regarding professions we certify Conducted a curriculum survey of US Associate Degree programs and US Baccalaureate Degree programs Created a data dictionary and glossary to identify content of CGFNS databases for research purposes Developed and disseminated background papers on TN health professionals who applied to the VisaScreen program between July 1, 2003 and July 1, 2004
Goal Three Create and implement a continuous performance program across all programs and services Maintained oversight monitoring on legislative and regulatory initiatives, domestically and internationally Implemented new technology-based call center Purchased and established necessary additional space to ensure improved functioning Created a Customer Service Center to better manage customer inquiries in terms of s and postal mail
Goal Four Institute steps to prepare for computerized testing Increased item writing workshops in order to expand item bank for study guide materials, and potential other formats Developed alternate item writing format materials for the Qualifying Exam Revised examination manager and proctor manuals to reflect changes in the test plan and use of alternate test types Developed a test blue print draft that restructures the CGFNS Exam allowing the exam to be used as an international test of nursing knowledge and as a self-assessment tool