Whole Product The whole product typically augments the core product with additional elements required for the product to have more value to a customer.
Contents by KH 2 Introduction The whole product typically augments the core product with additional elements required for the product to have compelling value to a customer. These additional elements to the core product would provide better user experience.
Contents by KH 3 Total experience of equipment user If a measurement instrument is the core product, then whole product would include accessories (probes, couplers, cables, etc.), training, purchasing, and user support services (application, installation, repair). Equipment Installing Accessories User support and services Purchasing Training
Contents by KH 4 Total restaurant dining experience If food is the core product, then whole product would include atmosphere, service, choice of menu, location, etc. Food AtmosphereServiceLocationMenu
Contents by KH 5 Total computing experience If a personal computer is the core product, then whole product would include software applications, purchasing, training, peripheral devices (scanner, mouse, display monitor, printer, etc), and internet connection. PC hardware Software applications Peripheral devices Documentation Purchasing Internet connection
Contents by KH 6 Value Delivery System Any business organization is a part of a larger system of delivering value to customers. This end-to-end system that collaborates to deliver value to your customer is called a Value Delivery System. Questions to ask of anyone in the whole system include: Who do you deliver value to? How do they evaluate it? What is their current evaluation? Who delivers value to you? How do you evaluate it? What is your current evaluation?
Contents by KH 7 Value Proposition Customers receive value every time they touch your products. The customer lifecycle has been characterized by the following stages. Disposing Supporting Using Learning Installing Ordering Choosing Your VDS (Value Delivery System) should aligned to each stage of your end customer's lifecycle. Communicate your value proposition to customer effectively. ← value Increase your value in each stage to gain competitive advantages
Contents by KH 8 Potential products Potential products are any additional peripheral products and services to enhance user experience. Such as: What may remain to be offered. What is possible to provider better user experience.