Overview Analysis of Research Data “Fake” Data Generation Analysis and Comparison
Research Data 24 sites Trapped over 1 month Covariates: –Temporal Moon phase –Spatial Vegetation Moisture Bare ground Statistics needed: –Capture probability by night –Effect of moon phase on capture probability –Effect of spatial covariates on abundance
Data Generation Sample Poisson for true abundance Apply capture probability individual by night Moon effect Capture history for a site TE Heterogeneity of trap response Abundance Spatial effect
Goals of Data Generation To create a history of deer mice captures for 24 plots with a known true abundance known spatial impacts on total abundance and know effect of temporal considerations on capture probability Apply a treatment effect to half of the sites –5% –25% –50%
Analysis Capture Histories Basic Analysis RMark T Test and CI CI width, Estimated mean, Deviance from true mean Loop Distribution of statistics for each analysis Hierarchical Analysis
Goals of Analysis Generate distributions of statistics generated by each analysis and compare. Determine whether there is a difference between the results of each type of analysis Determine which analysis produces results closer to the truth