My Favorite stories and things I do out side of school By: Nolan Grout
Dedication I dedicate this book to my parents through good and bad
My life Stories 1.Bad spot for a pebble 2.Misty540?!?!?!?
Bad spot for a Pebble One bright fall day my best friend lane and I were scootering and jumping off the curb of my drive way. We were having much fun laughing, telling jokes. After a little my parents came out to watch us do our jump but after a couple BAM, I started to cry I fell off my scooter and hurt my knee there was pebble in my knee about 1 inch in my knee my friend Lane went home. My dad rushed me to our house I was screaming I looked at my knee couldn’t see anything all blood. My mom rushed into the family room with a wet paper towel once it was clear I looked down again, yeah there was defiantly a pebble 1-2 inches in my knee. For a second I thought it was meat it looked like uncooked meat I asked my mom if it was she said it is wasn’t meat it was a pebble. Oh gosh!
Misty540?!?!? One summer day summer 2010 I tried it a misty 540! A regular misty is a flip with a 180 a misty 360 is a misty but with a full turn. I have mastered the 180 and 360 now its time to go for a 540. I went for it my turn on the diving board I run jump flip spin 1, spin 2, spin3 yes I did it my favorite new trick.
My Hobbies 1.Making cod videos 2.Baseball good or bad?
Making cod videos One of my favorite hobbies is making YouTube videos. But these aren’t any normal YouTube videos these are montages/minitages these videos are 2-5 second clips mashed together and edited. Montages/minitages aren’t for everyone you need to be skilled to get lots of views then you might even get paid. Just for gaming! Ok let’s get in to a little more detail on montages/minitages these are both the same thing but in the minitage (keyword: mini) is a shorter version of the montage. Montage as being monumental. So the montages are normally 2-as long as the video website allows minitage are normally less than 2 minutes. There are other gaming videos these are hiding spots, tips and tricks, and glitches. Watch on own time please. Links to montage: Link to mintages: Thanks!
Every spring to summer I play baseball for Bll Birmingham little league. My favorite part is that my dad is my coach every year! Summer 2010 I made to Bll summer travel league but the night before our first game I broke my arm. I really wish I didn’t because it happened I sprinting to first base the first baseman squatted down on the base and I tripped over him. It was the night right before our first big game I didn’t get to play the whole season. Baseball good or bad?
About the author Hi I am Nolan Grout I love my life! I would like you to know one thing I am making a series for YouTube! I am so happy that you read my book and hopefully viewed my videos. The game you see in those videos are Call Of Duty Black Ops Game not owned by me but videos are! And yes I am 10 years old and I go to BCS Birmingham Covington School. My favorite sport is Baseball. That is why I wrote about it
Thank you Pictures provided by er.asp: Diving boardhttp:// er.asp : Baseballhttp:// Black ops background picture made in paint by me ble-background : Pebbles _peb ble-background