Q1:Royal Garden’s Puzzle as a Model Checking Problem Pictures from UbiSoft HW6: Due Dec 4th 23:59
R1 R2R3R4 R8 R9R10R11 R5 R6R7 H1 H2 H3 H4 Source Sink HandleAreas rotated H1R1,R2,R5,R6 H2R2,R3,R4,R6,R7 H3R5,R6,R8,R9,R10 H4-R6,R7,-R10,R11 Type A Type B Type C
1.Write down a C model and a Promela model to solve the puzzle by using CB MC and Spin a.Use assert statement to detect when the route is established b.Find and explain the shortest solution by analyzing counter examples. Also show that why your solution is the shortest one for the route a.Hint: there exists a solution less than 10 steps c.Report the complexity of the problem – i.e., # of clauses and variables, # of states, memory usage, verification time, etc.
/* Assume that there are two processes */ char count=0,x=0,y=0,z=0; void process() { char me=_pid +1; /* me is 1 or 2*/ again: x= me; if (y ==0 || y== me) ; else goto again; z =me; if (x == me) ; else goto again; y=me; if(z==me); else goto again; /* enter a critical section */ count++; InCritSec: … count --; /* leaving a critical section */ goto again; } a. To specify a corresponding Promela specification – Note that no atomic allowed b. To specify the following properties in LTL – Note that returns a nonzero value only if a statemen t at the corresponding label is executable now 1.Mutual exclusion 2.Deadlock-freedom 3.Starvation-freedom c. Check if your Promela spec satisfies the above 3 properties by using Spin. Also explain the counter examples. 2. Faulty mutual exclusion algorithm
3. Build the following mutual exclusion protocol in Promela. - Your Promela spec should contain 2 processes. - You should use a global lock with atomic keyword to check entrance to the critical section. - Verify the following correctness properties of your Promela model – Mutual exclusion – Liveness mtype ={n,t,c} byte lock=0; active [2] proctype process() { byte status=n; … }
4. Build the following mutual exclusion protocol in Promela. And verify the correctness of your Promela model – Mutual exclusion – Liveness – You may use a global variable turn to indicate which process has a higher priority to enter critical section – Note that you can access a local variable of the other processes through remote reference procname[pid]:localvar mtype={n,t,c}; byte lock; byte turn=255; active [2] proctype process() { … }