By Miss Fish
Searching the internet Do you know how to find information on the internet?
Search Tools Are you tired of searching the Internet and not finding what you are looking for? What search tools do you need to use to find information on the internet?
and use Boolean terms
What are Boolean terms? Three words that can help you expand or narrow a internet search AND OR NOT
And Adding AND to the search will narrow down the number of hits on a topic Example Cats AND felines search 6,730,000 Cats search 173,000,000 Felines search 2,450,000
OR Adding OR to a search will broaden the search Example Cats or felines search 6,7100,000
NOT Adding NOT will take away results in a search Example Cats not felines search 4,830,000
AND, OR, NOT are the words to use AND OR NOT
Boolean Operators Watch video on Boolean Operators
Remember Simple searches with one Boolean operator Imagine that you need to find several books about skiing or snowboarding assignment. To get an overview of what is available before focusing on skiing or snowboarding, you perform three Keyword searches in an index to periodicals. skiing OR snowboarding This search finds articles that discuss either skiing or snowboarding. OR always broadens a search. skiing AND snowboarding This search finds articles that compare skiing and snowboarding AND always narrows a search. skiing NOT snowboarding This search finds articles that are exclusively about skiing. NOT always excludes records with the specified term.
Work Cited Riedling, Ann. "Module 1: Understanding Search Tools." (2008). Mansfield University Blackboard