By: David Whigham
WHAT IS “SPORTS INFORMATION”? A sports information office is the liaison between the media and a universities athletics program Every athletics program must have a sports information office Duties include: Press Releases Statistical Documentation Media Guides Photography Nominations
HOW DOES THE COLLEGE SPORTS BUREAU ENHANCE WORK IN SPORTS INFORMATION? Easy to use tool that scans media outlets near student- athlete’s hometowns Gives school, student-athletes and athletic teams regional and national notoriety Limits usage of “snail mail” Time management
COLLEGE SPORTS BUREAU’S WEBSITE Let’s take a look at the website itself:
HOW TO USE THIS TOOL… Create athletic biographies Make sure work is properly inserted and edited correctly Automatic generation of media outlets within chosen radius of hometown Listings of where you want information sent Send and look for delivery confirmation
COLLEGE SPORTS BUREAU AND UMES EXAMPLE 547 press releases produced by UMES Sports Information department in Average of 1.49 releases per day (holidays and summer break days included) Comes out to $5.49 per release sent Ability to reach out to thousands of new media outlets with every release sent
EXAMPLE (continued) Approximately 200 student-athletes suited up for Hawk athletic teams in 2011 The student-athletes ranged in backgrounds from Africa, France, China, Canada, Barbados, South America and Central America Ability to send press releases to thousands upon thousands of new media outlets
HOW DOES THIS TOOL ENHANCE PRODUCTIVITY IN THE OFFICE? Holds student-accountable for their works Enhances recruiting Gives school national notoriety Can assist the school with donations and grants from outside sources Any media attention is good for a media relations office
ANY QUESTIONS? Any questions?