Helium Name : Helium Atomic Number : 2 Element Symbol : He
Melting and Boiling Point Melting Point : 0.95 °K = -272.2 °C Boiling Point : 4.216 °K = -268.93 °C
Metal or Non-metal? Helium is a non-metal. Although there are a bit of metal in it. It is an inert gas (noble gas) and it is not a metal. Elements that are metals, start on the left side of the periodic table of elements. Then from there it changes into metals then metalloids. In the right side, there are non-metals, and helium is on top of the right corner of the periodic table. You can identify if an element is a non-metal or a metal by looking at the position of it in the periodic table of elements.
Discovery Helium Discovery Janseen, 1868 - Although some sources state that the person who discovered helium is Sir William Ramsey, Nils Langet, 1895.
Description of Helium Helium has no color, it is odorless, it is tasteless, non-toxic and it is an inert gas. The atomic number of helium is 2 meaning 1 atom consists of 2 protons. Because Helium has the lowest melting and boiling point, therefore it is usually found in the state of gas. Helium is the second lightest element. Helium is also the second element that is large in quantity.
Pictures of Helium
Hazardous of Helium to the environment and animals Helium is so light that when it is released to the air it eventually floats to outer space therefore we might eventually run out of helium in the future. And who knows what happens in outer space when helium gets there. When helium is used for balloons, they are so light they fly up into the sky. If they are released regularly into the air they usually end up in the ocean, therefore polluting it. Helium could be bad for our health when we inhale helium because it could have a bad effect to our lungs.
3 Uses of Helium When helium and oxygen are combined, they can be used for creating a substitute atmosphere for low pressure workers. Helium is used in the study of conductivity. Helium is used in Cryogenic research because its boiling point is very low. Cryogenic research means the research of production or use in very low temperatures.
3 Interesting Facts Because helium is very light, when you inhale helium your voice will have a temporary higher pitch to it. In theory, we might run out of helium in the future because helium is very light then when it is released into the air, it will eventually float up to outer space. In helium, the speed of sound is much greater than in other gases.
Did you know? We could have a squeaky voice by inhaling helium. Helium is found in other gases and not by its own. Helium is the 2nd lightest element Most helium is taken from natural gas. The evidence of the existence of helium was by the observation of a yellow spectral line from the sun.
Work Cited Helmenstine, Anne Marie. ”Helium facts." About.com : Chemistry. 24 April 2010. <http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementfacts/a/helium.htm> Helmenstine, Anne Marie. ”10 Helium facts." About.com : Chemistry. 24 April 2010. <http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementfacts/a/10-helium-facts.htm> Youtube. Helium – Periodic Table of videos. 24 April 2010. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8FJEiI5e6Q>