Cat Dissection-Digestive System. Cat digestive system, head structures 1. parotid gland 2. parotid duct 3. submaxillary gland 4. branch of facial nerve.


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Presentation transcript:

Cat Dissection-Digestive System

Cat digestive system, head structures 1. parotid gland 2. parotid duct 3. submaxillary gland 4. branch of facial nerve 5. lymph node 6. tongue 7. fenulum 8. incisors 9. canine 10. premolars 11. molar 12. masseter 13. lips 14. vestibule 15. palatine rugae 16. opening to nasopalatine duct

Cat Digestive System, abdomen, greater omentum pulled out 1. greater omentum 4. body of stomach 7. greater curvature of stomach 17. left lateral lobe of liver 18. right median lobe of liver 19. left median lobe of liver 21. gall bladder 24. spleen 25. falciform ligament

Cat Digestive System, abdomen, greater omentum tucked under stomach 1. greater omentum 7. greater curvature of stomach 10. jejunum 12. colon 17. left lateral lobe of liver 18. right medial lobe of liver 19. left medial lobe of liver 21. gall bladder 24. spleen 28. mesentery 29. urinary bladder 30. uterus

Cat Digestive System, abdomen, greater omentum reflected 1. greater omentum 10. jejunum 11. ileum 13. cecum 14. transverse colon 15. descending colon 27. mesocolon 28. mesentery 29. urinary bladder 30. uterus 31. horn of uterus 32. kidney

Cat Digestive System, abdomen, liver and small intestine reflected 1. greater omentum 2. cardiac region of stomach 3. fundus of stomach 4. body of stomach 5. pyloric region of stomach 6. pyloric sphincter 7. greater curvature of stomach 8. lesser curvature of stomach 9. duodenum 10. jejunum 12. colon 16. right lateral lobe of liver 17. left lateral lobe of liver 18. right medial lobe of liver 19. left medial lobe of liver 20. caudate lobe of liver 21. gall bladder 22. common bile duct 23. pancreas 24. spleen 26. lesser omentum 28. mesentery 29. urinary bladder 30. uterus

You are responsible for knowing: 1. Diaphragm2. Duodenum 3. Greater Omentum4. Pancreas Fat in Omentum 5. Gallbladder6. Spleen 7. Left Lateral Lobe of Liver8. Stomach 9. Left Medial Lobe of Liver10. Descending Colon 11. Right Medial Lobe of Liver 12. Urinary Bladder13. Esophageal Hiatus 14. Common Bile Duct15. Kidney 16. Transverse Colon17. Ascending Colon 18. Cecum19. Ileum 20. Jejunum21. Mesentary